For it's latest trick, Microsoft's engineers have given the multi-touch Surface PC table a bartender's sixth sense. If you set your drink down on top of it, the Surface will be able to detect just how full it is. At least, if it's in a special glass.
The Surface needs a little help by way of a glass with a reflective prism inside of it. Surface can then use the light from its infrared sensors to bounce up into the prism and tell how far below the prism's tip the liquid is. After that, either a waiter or bartender watching a feedback screen will swoop by to offer you a refill, or one can be ordered directly from the Surface tabletop.
I don't see the world's glasses changing just to please Microsoft's drink detection system, but this is a pretty cool trick. Installing Surface in stores and offices already made a lot of sense and now, surprisingly, restaurants and bars look pretty good for it, too. Click Continue to see a video of SurfaceWare's drink detection system in action.
FusionautTalk about "Unuseless"
2pornot2psays...This might be illegal in some places. I know over here promoting drinking is illegal, and can even cost your bar its license if you call "last call" at the end of the night. Test tube shot glasses are also illegal because since you can't put them down (without spilling), they force you to drink faster and that's against the law. So this table, optimizes the best time to pester customers that otherwise might not want another drink, i.e. bar owner selling more than regularly, and customers drinking more. I know I'm pushing it, but legislators around here do as well.
ElJardineroSo that's why my bar sells shots in test tube glasses. Bastards.
dw1117I'll drink to that.
AemaethNotice they never said anything about alcohol. We all know what they mean, but it would be reasonable in court to suggest this could be important to more than just bars. Besides, when you get a lobby machine like Microsoft behind something like this, laws can go a long ways.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Cooking) - requested by djsunkid.
PaybackSounds like you're here in BC. We have some of the most archaic liquor licence laws in the world.
Nightclubs have a law where you can show video, but not the sound of the video, so Rick Astley can be playing on screen, but only if Lady Gaga is singing...
This might be illegal in some places. I know over here promoting drinking is illegal, and can even cost your bar its license if you call "last call" at the end of the night. Test tube shot glasses are also illegal because since you can't put them down (without spilling), they force you to drink faster and that's against the law. So this table, optimizes the best time to pester customers that otherwise might not want another drink, i.e. bar owner selling more than regularly, and customers drinking more. I know I'm pushing it, but legislators around here do as well.
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