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Mashup of President Bush's Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) policy which has been far different than his rhetoric.


Gee another let's feel sorry for the islamo-facists video. They were just on their way to their job in the powdered milk factories and humanitarian aid teams when the big bad capitalists kidnapped them!

Burn them all, the world needs more light.


On 9/11, three-thousand Americans were murdered in cold blood. What about THEIR rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? In Gitmo they get 3 squares a day and "free" korans which espouse the killing of all "infidels"...those animals never had it so good. Suicide is too good for them.


wow, you both are really sick people. did you watch the video? do you read? the majority of the people in Gitmo are not al Qaeda and are not terrorists by the government's own admission. and that does not bother you? wow! most of them were turned over to us in one of the poorest countries in the world for a handsome reward. good way to ensure your getting the bad guys. and malice, we do kidnap people right off the street - it's called rendition.

and mushroom, try logic sometime. what does the video have to do with 9/11? did i besmirch the victims of 9/11? does making this video mean i don't care for those injured and killed on 9/11? is it not possible to have empathy for both sets of people or does it have to be mutually exclsusive?

and its pretty impressive, on your part, that you know how 500+ people from multiple countries lived and that they are better off in Gitmo.

you know, and this goes for both of you, it sucks to hate and it sucks to be ignorant. but damn, it must really suck to get so much of both. you ought to take your parents to court for damages.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Er... I hate to break up the party, but this is a self-link. HPM you are in luck though. We've just started our Sift Off contest. I'm just going to flip this over there, K? Thanks.


In reply to the first two arguments:
An eye for an eye is a great way to live 'till the whole world goes blind.

The fact is that immoral things happen every day, and this makes us feel justified to do things twice as bad to the "evil" doers. But ethics tells us that capitol punishment and such is just saying "well you killed a guy so we'll kill you; you'll learn you lesson . . . post mortem." So here we're just saying "well you're here, so I'll assume you're a terrorist, strip you and force you to make a pyramid." That's not punishment, that's sadism and the people in charge are putting blame on lower officers.

"Burn them all, the world needs more light."
To kill someone out of convenience is to put ones own life before anyone else's. Killing one whom presumedly deserves it is putting one's actions ahead of their life. The most powerful people are the ones that have the power to kill and doesn't. So we could kill all those people out of convenience, or we could let them live and not needlessly torture them.



Yesterday we told you that the U.N. Human Rights Commission had made a finding [pdf] that the United States was using "torture" at the detainee center at the Guantanamo naval base in Cuba. Now .. are we talking about driving wood splinters up under fingernails? No. What about breaking fingers or toes? Nope. Not that either. It seems that we were using light and temperature in naughty ways. How do you use light? You use light to keep people awake. That's torture. Gitmo is hot too. Maybe they denied the prisoners air conditioning. Would that be torture?

The word "torture" is no longer a word used to describe treatment of a prisoner. It is now a word used as a weapon against the United States and its efforts to fight Islamic radicals.

This morning I listened to Robin Oakley, the British political editor for CNN, talk about the findings of this phony UN body. Oakley said: "Now we're going to see pressure to have the U.S. close Guantanamo." So, what else is new? Oakley also mentioned the light and the temperature, but he never mentioned force feeding. That's right ... force-feeding One of the elements of torture mentioned by the U.N. at Guantanamo was the force-feeding of detainees who are un hunger strikes. So, according to the U.N., if a detainee tries to kill himself, and you take a measure to save his life, that constitutes torture.

Message: Don't take anything the U.N. or the U.N. Human Rights Commission has to say about torture seriously.



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