In a move surprising only cave-dwellers, Marvel is teaming up Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage to fight crime. Oh, and that whiny annoying git from Iron Fist.

Anyway, punching! crime! Sigourney Weaver!

and, er, Nirvana?

Consider me intrigued!

Wow, that looks like shit! Cheesier than network TV.

After Luke Cage and Iron Fist I have no more confidence in the Netflix Marvel series.


I thought Iron Fist was awful, but I quite enjoyed Luke Cage.

This looks... ok, I guess?


Wow, that looks like shit! Cheesier than network TV.

After Luke Cage and Iron Fist I have no more confidence in the Netflix Marvel series.


Even Iron Fist? For a show focused on martial arts the fight scenes were just awful.


You're all crazy!!! I loved them all, Luke cage was a bit slow, but it's a great overall package.

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