Mark Wahlberg Is A Bit Of An Ass - Graham Norton

Mark Wahlberg mans the red chair.

He actually is slightly drunk here. He was on the red wine before and during the show. There's a few surreal moments in this particular show.


I dunno if it's just me, but Wahlberg looks slightly drunk here.


Yup, Wahlberg is a dickhead who blinded a guy in one eye and beat people up in his youth.

He's become all religious now and thinks that him going to church is recompense enough for his horrible deeds, and he doesn't need to make amends at all for what he did over and above that.

Horrible man.


Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Isn't he really, I mean really an Ass? Didn't he beat up some vietnamese guy for being Asian?


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Marky Mark, Graham Norton, red chair' to 'mark wahlberg, Graham Norton, red chair' - edited by xxovercastxx


Why is it people only believe poor/unknown people can change? The rich and famous must always be what they have been in the past.

Then I look at Lindsey Lohan and I kinda understand.

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