Health care reform protester Bill Rice tells Neil Cavuto how he got his finger bitten off by a "deranged individual" from
Rice admits punching the suspect after he allegedly calls Rice "an idiot." Then Rice threw another punch that "ended up in his mouth," at which point the suspect bit off the finger, which Rice says cannot be reattached due to "bacteria" involved in the incident.
Rice says he does not plan to sue, but jokes that he may need to take up "different piano lessons" after the confrontation. He also joked about having his bitten pinky finger "bronzed" so he could wear it around his neck.
Cavuto also asks Rice what he would do if he ever saw the suspect again. "The smart thing for me to do is turn around and run," he said.
He goes on to say that these health care reform town halls are about something "much more devious... I think it's nothing more than a diversion."
[from youtube]
jdbatessays...So let me get this straight, he started punching a guy, his hand went into the guys mouth when he punched him, and then the guy bit his finger off while it was in his mouth. The guy has to admit he's a little to blame for his missing finger. I wouldn't have bit his finger off, but I also wouldn't have been punching people either!
StormsingerSeems to me he got more or less what he deserved. Lucky for him he wasn't in Texas...his "punching bag" could well have legally shot him instead of just biting.
When you start assaulting people, you pretty much lose any claim to sympathy in my book.
demon_ixFunny how he didn't bother asking him how much it cost to reattach the finger... Since he was on Medicare...
Jaacesays...Fox, always right there to bring you the most important news. Is this the news...or a talk show where we share our feelings?
brycewi19Missing fingers are a preexisting condition. Claim denied.
vaporlockA simple cure... STOP PUNCHING PEOPLE!
alizarinAnybody know legally what would happen to both these guys - the puncher vs the biter? Couldn't the biter claim self defense since the puncher started the assault? (And that's with us only hearing the puncher's side of things.)
Drachen_Jagersays...Being an idiot prone to assaulting people and punching like a girl with your pinky out is actually the pre-existing condition Brycewi19.
Not only is this guy so stupid that he gets in a brawl just because someone called him an idiot (and rightly so, Americans need a good healthcare overhaul) but he doesn't even know that you're supposed to ball up your hand when you punch someone?
braindonutsays...Sue him? Could he even sue the guy? He is the one that was attacking, the biter was defending... they said it themselves...
Lesson learned: Don't punch people in the mouths if they have sharp, sharp teeth.
videosiftbannedmeYou'll never be able to find the guy. He's found his way back to the Misty Mountains by now...with his Precious....
chilaxeCan anyone shed more light on why the bacteria from a human mouth prevents the reattachment of the finger?
Did the bacteria already have time to kill off too much of the essential end tissue by the time the finger was gotten to the hospital?
videosiftbannedme^I think more than likely is that the finger would still be viable (as long as it was preserved), but the chances of the re-attachment site becoming infected, and the patient ultimately becoming septic, become too high to risk the re-attachment. Even the cleanest human mouth still swarms with all kinds of bacteria, much less someone who hasn't brushed for a day, or worse.
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