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Man Creates Glass Guitar

Reported to be world's only guitar made of glass.

I don't know anything about working with glass... but after brief research I don't understand why it can't be cast in an appropriate clay mould with cavities for components and polished with diamond pads afterwards. Would it not be possible to make a clear glass guitar in this way? Does anyone know why it's not that simple?


i think the construction has a lot to do with rigidity. i'm sure you could mold a guitar like Ghostly implied, but i don't think that would hold up very well. the way this guitar is put together it's got a lot of strength using the stacked slats like this. If anyone here plays guitar, you know what kind of force is put on the neck. it could easily just crack if someone got carried away playing. if you molded it, sure it would be clear, and weigh just as much...but there wouldn't be any "grain" so to speak. trying to do the fret work on a solid piece of glass would be hell without ruining it. this man is brilliant for putting the hours into this. the notes sound amazingly clear even with the overdriven tone. kudos, sir. kudos. i'm glad to be from waukesha county.


Excitement for my plans to make myself a 9 string bass with the highest string betting guitar, using one single curved back neck in the creation of a dual fretted/single 9 string/highest guitar string etc. Opposing faced, designed to accommodate the most coil pickups/hummbuckers I can fit/ make fit. Farraday caging the parts with inconel 600 non magnetic foil (aviation grade). Use non solder crimping connections, platinum cable/wire & connectors with graduating switches/transition low to highest setting etc. Built in anti surge devices, connection.

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