Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary

On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don’t. The police have, from the onset of their investigation, chosen to withhold from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have provably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings.

The mainstream news has willfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story.

The government has finally, after a year, presented us with their official ‘narrative’ concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a ‘ludicrous diversion’.

hmmm, this clip is dripping in bias. Good post, but i'm not really a fan of videos that skew the information in such a way.

Its a clever spin job, but in itsself still heresay presented as fact, and therefore i dismiss it.

however, voted up.


It will let you, I've done it. Just edit the video. It hasn't even made it out the queue. I'm almost positive you can unless they put a time limit on that field?



Saving this video from queue deletion, sending it to the top of the queue for one more try. Originally submitted on Thursday 1st March 2007 (save called by gold star member joedirt)


Ok, maybe it is this.... You can always add to any Collective as long as (a) you were a member of Collective at time of submission (b) you have not yet applied one Collective.

I think you shouldn't be able to add to a Collective months later, and then not be able to remove from Collective. Maybe after one week the Collective status is set forever. Up until then you can change it?


Dag, why can I change any of my non-collective Published videos to any collective weeks after they hit the front page?

You could make an Everything Else collective and invite everyone to submit any non-collective videos to that collective. I think the Collective has to exist at the time of submitting to be included..


Oh, the first controversy over collective content. . .

As the current dictator of democracy in spanning time, I have no problem with this video in this collective. Even though I personally believe that its central argument is mostly bollocks.

If you believe that any posting is a historical document or provides a competing view contrary to 'accepted' history, then please feel free to post it in this collective. We can then fight it out within the comment threads rather than seeking Platonic ideals for collective purity. The only place that really needs a Platonic ideal in the Sift is the Cute Channel.

I DO NOT want this to be a collective only of staid government films, videos of Presidents and the powerful giving speeches, or safe-for-toddlers History Channel stuff.

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