Liquid Dancing

He doesn't have any bones. Smooooooth...

seen better eh? put your money where your mouth is. Sift up, or STFU

lol ! ease-up senior sunkid !
Just remember that some kids did live and party before you...
so when I say he's OK, he's just that: OK


fair enough, fair enough. I'll admit I've only been raving for 10 years, definitely not as old school as some. I'm also from Halifax, an overgrown fishing village of a city, in the middle of nowhere, so perhaps I'm easily impressed. Although, I do travel to montreal every now and again, and see some moves there.

Anyway, I guess my point is, this is a great video, and if you've seen better, then sift them. if you have better, but it's a self-link issue, send me a message and i'd be happy to sift them for you.

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