Kristen Schaal recreates Natalie Imbruglia’s Torn

yt: "Musician Mikal Cronin and comedians Kurt Braunohler and Kristen Schaal team up to create a shot-by-shot reenactment of Natalie Imbruglia's music video ""Torn"" with some surprise guest characters for Cronin's music video release "Turn Around." This collaboration is part of JASH's $5K Video Series where JASH pairs an up-and-coming musical act with a comedian, gives them $5000, and tells them to spend the money "

What am I missing, it looks like just another mash-up parody tribute copy and paste pop culture melange with extended close up shots of people's faces. In other words it looks like 1001 other videos that are only a click away. The original video for "Torn" from 20 years ago was painfully bad so beyond me why anyone would want to copy and paste that one for starters.

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