Kirk Cameron embarrasses himself on O'Reilly

..And Bill O'Reilly tags along, mentioning how he picked apart the silly arguments of Richard Dawkins in this interview:

That first bit is innacurate. O'Reilly says 10% of American ADULTS are atheists, so it wouldn't be 30 million people. That is, unless there are no children left in the U.S.


Why does the Sift allow this type of video? It's just another opportunity for ridicule of someone else's beliefs.

I'm not an Atheist... But I'm not a Christian either... I believe what I believe. This is another example of more people pushing their beliefs on others. Congratulations, you're an Atheist. Congratulations, you believe in God... Pass the peanuts and keep it to yourself.


I don't think you need to be an atheist to see the entertainment in this post. Bill-O puffing himself up with his selective memory at every opportunity and Kirk spewing out logical fallacy after logical fallacy with that goofy permanent smile and thousand-yard stare. And (so far) no one has ridiculed anyones' beliefs, as far as I can see.

Just curious, what types of videos would you allow or disallow?


If O Reilly and Cameron choose to go on national television with such arguments, they implicitly agree to their arguments being rigorously deconstructed.


Kirk Cameron is a tragedy of reason. I, myself, believe in Providence – but that is a matter of faith, not fact. Claiming ignorance of why things exist, and challenging your opponent to explain it to you – which they will never do to your liking - is not proof positive of a supreme being.

The big problem with creationists is that they insist, sooner or later, on ramming “their god” i.e. Jesus Christ down your throat.


Why does the Sift allow this type of video?

Because its not from Iran? Where certain beliefs have driven what could have been a great country back to the middle ages, where Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, a defenceless woman is to be stoned to death within the next couple of days, because she had sex with a man she loved. This is why I preach, I demand reason. I demand justification for beliefs, and I think we all should start demanding that. It is not enough to simply say "I know the mind of God, I read it all in a book" and go on imposing absurd rules on the rest of us., whether its teaching fairy tales as science in public schools, covering your skin from head-to-toe, detailing what you do and dont do in bed or putting mythical iron-age commandments up on a serious courthouse.


You simply cannot in good conscience keep a crocoduck off the Sift.
Or out of your garden . . .those things mate like indiscriminate bunnies.

One day, Kirk Cameron will reveal that it has all been a Kaufman-like act. Whatever it is, it is brilliant.


No crocoduck huh? Well, that's it for me. Starting next sunday I'll go to church every week! Just one more question Mr. Cameron. How does the duck prove that Christianity is the right religion?

Seriously now, if he's so sure about the existance of his God, how come he is so insecure about his own religion that he has to convert every nonbeliever? I mean if he thinks that the people who don't believe in his God are idiots how come he wants them in heaven with him?

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