Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World"

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World" - Michael Scheuer & Glenn Beck - 07/07/09

I'm getting a little, nay A LOT sick of Olberman advocating that Homeland Security needs to pay people like Scheuer, Beck, Limbaugh et al for their nutbar views that Bin Laden or his ilk need to blow up part of the United States in order to allow a more thorough police state to be set up.

For Olberman's part, it smacks of hypocrisy and poor consistency of thought to say that in order to prevent a Police State from being set up, the Police State must visit those who advocate for a Police State.


I have to agree. We have this little thing in America called "Freedom of Speech". As much as I despise those people, they can say whatever they want. You either defend freedom of speech for everybody, or you don't defend freedom of speech for anybody.


>> ^therealblankman:
I'm getting a little, nay A LOT sick of Olberman advocating that Homeland Security needs to pay people like Scheuer, Beck, Limbaugh et al for their nutbar views that Bin Laden or his ilk need to blow up part of the United States in order to allow a more thorough police state to be set up.

If you are advocating for the free speech rights of the likes of Beck and Limbaugh, or anybody else who wishes that the USA would be attacked by terrorists, you have truly lost your way.


Why does videosift continue to champion this moron Keith Olbermann. His analysis is so hypocritical and often times stupid to no degree.

What the hell kind of argument is that against illegal immigration? Olbermann's parents weren't native Americans? So what? Why does Olbermann refuse to acknowledge the "illegal" part of illegal immigration. There is a huge difference between immigrants in this country who sign the book and those who do not. Yet Olbermann doesn't acknowledge this so he can call someone a "racist".

Speaking of which, I don't remember Olbermann challenging Janeane Garofalo when she sat about 4 feet from him on his show and claimed that hundreds of thousands of Americans protesting were "racists". In fact, I remember him chuckling.

This guy is an absolute schmuck and he is the biggest joke in news today. And yet, video sift an other sites on the internet love to rally behind this moron. It's laughable.


It seems, for the previous adminstration, that the concept "The Ends Justify The Means" is STILL, a Republican philosophy. This concept was always used in the Fox show '24', in which the main character routinely tortures people, and never has to face any penalities for his actions. It seems, sadly, that conservatives and/or Republicans, take this same view, that if they get what they want, at the cost of a US city being reduced to ash, its fine by them.

This IS insanity. This individual should be examined under a microscope, for giving possible terrorists not only a invitation to commite untold horror upon my fellow Americans, but fame/glory by the Republican party.

Anyone who advocates the harming of citizens in my country, to get political points for their cult-ish organization, should be sent to gitmo. Wouldnt it be amusing if conservatives got sent to gitmo, and had 'enhanced interrogation methods' used on them. Would be rather ironic, eh?

As a note to some of the posters above. The 1st Amendment, regarding 'freedom of speech' protects all persons within the country to a limit. Running in to a crowded theater and showing 'FIRE!" is NOT, covered under the 1st Amendment. Some of the stuff that comes out of Fox News, Mr. Beck, Mr. Limbaugh, and the like, is really borderline. Now, if ANYTHING, major happens, it will not be to difficult to find WHO motivated terrorists (domestic or foreign) to attack the country.


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from responsibility. There is a huge difference between prior restraint and punishing someone who suggests (or invites) attacks against america.


You're absolutely correct, JiggaJonson. It's always a fine line, but I do believe that we ought always err on the freer side of things. These right-wing nutjobs, like Beck, Scheuer, quantummushroom, Linbaugh et al may be angry and stupid, but we have to give them a lot of leeway. Those of us of a more thoughtful bent can see right through their lack of logic and intelligence. However, they must be held accountable for their words if their mouth-breathing followers act out.

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