Jon Stewart pwnz Jonah Goldberg on his book Liberal Fascism

Jonah Goldberg appeared on the Daily Show last night to tout his new book, “Liberal Fascism.” Jon Stewart spent 18 minutes disputing the premise of Goldberg’s book (which was condensed down into a six-minute clip), asking at one point in exasperation, “How is organic food fascist?” and “I must say you totally misrepresent what progressive means.”

Hat tip to

In the book, Goldberg attempts to convince readers that six decades of conventional wisdom that have placed Italy's Benito Mussolini, Germany's Adolf Hitler and fascism on the right side of the ideological spectrum are wrong, and that fascism is really a phenomenon of the left. Goldberg also attributes fascist rhetoric and tactics to Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and describes the New Deal's descendants, modern American liberals, as carriers of this liberal-fascist DNA. In a sense, "We're All Fascists Now," as Goldberg puts it in one of his chapter titles.

The vapid stupidity of this argument is profound, Jonah cites what Mussolini said as fact, as if the usurpation of power in Germany and Italy were political campaigns run in democracies not simply two men saying and doing whatever would garner them power. The whole argument reads like an excuse to call liberals Nazis.

John Cole put it very well in saying that Goldberg basically twists words to make them mean whatever he wants them to mean.

The interview from which I pulled the gist of the book is a hilarious read, and filled with miles of bullshit and quotable lines.

"I would argue that Nixon was not a particularly conservative guy. Measured by today's standards and today's issues, Nixon would be in the liberal wing of the Democratic Party."

[On Mussolini but could be self referential] "And he said a lot of stuff. He was sort of a buffoon in that sense; he was constantly changing his definitions of fascism and talking out of one side of the mouth, then out of the other side of his mouth, largely because of the sort of pragmatic idea he had about politics. But in terms of the policies he implemented and where he came to, once again, at the end of his life, he always clung to the policies that were associated with the left side of the political spectrum."

"But there's another dystopian understanding of the future, which we get from [Aldous] Huxley's "Brave New World." That was a fundamentally American vision ... [T]he vision of the Huxleyian "Brave New World" future is one where everyone's happy. No one's being oppressed, people are walking around chewing hormonal gum, they're having everything done for them, they're being nannied almost into nonexistence. That's the fascism in Hillary Clinton's vision. It's not the Orwellian stamping on a human face thing, it's hugs and kisses and taking care of boo-boos. It is the nanny state. That is a much more benign dystopia than "1984," but for me at least, it's still a dystopia. An unwanted hug is still as tyrannical or as oppressive -- not as oppressive, but an unwanted hug is still oppressive if you can't escape from it ... [O]ne of the biggest distinctions between what I'm calling liberal fascism ... and classical fascism, is that classical fascism was masculine and violently oppressive and today's liberalism is feminine and not oppressive but smothering with kindness."

The full interview is here at


(a dramatic re-enactment of me at 4:59)


Sorry, I'll watch the rest now.


I'm conflicted, like the content, dislike the CC server choppyness.

Since we just spent a lot of time posting about appropriate down-voting (not that I can) does "unwatchable due to hosting server" count as "content"?

I'm voting this primarily because I am glad to see Stewart being funny, it does not happen as often recently since he does not have writers.


>> ^SlipperyPete:
I thought comedy central vids were being discontinued here since they only work in US and A?

Comedy Central is no longer an approved host, meaning one that us mere mortals can utilize. Farhad, being a diamond, can post anything that offers embed code.


Should I take this down considering it doesnt work for some? I totally forgot honestly.

By the way Jonah Goldberg says that The Daily Show edited the segment to make him look stupid, Stewart says they will release the unedited cut to prove him wrong, after the writers strike. He also states it got rather heated.


i thought he had a valid point about how Hilary Clinton types want to shove their particular ideas about progression in everybody's faces all the time... just as dictators put giant statues of themselves everywhere and corporations put adverts everywhere. i see the parallel, that's all i'm saying.

but most of the interview seemed to just be unnecessarily twisting around semantics, and he didn't handle it very well, probably just trying to sell a "controversial" book with a catchy title (kinda like posting on videosift).

anyway, putting screens everywhere telling you how to bring up your child is like, sooo not a good idea, and I don't think he's out of line calling that idea orwellian. although i doubt he quoted her fairly.


I didn't see any "pwnz"ing going on...Stewart just makes wisecracks, which can be made about any subject if you just want to make a joke. You might as well be interviewed by Groucho Marx. Stewart had nothing substantive to say.


I initially called the video Jonah Goldberg on liberal Fascism on the Daily Show (check the URL) and no one watched it. The moment I re-titled the post with Stewarts name the sift got attention. Its just the way the system works.


"If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have."

Liberals and fake-servatives seem to want that big government to keep getting bigger as long as it keeps everyone feeling good.

If I'm wrong about (mostly) liberal lust for ever-bigger government interference in everyone's lives, by all means, drop a line.


^ the only reason i could upvote that, is that i understood that by 'liberals', you're referring to fiscal liberals.

adding that, makes your 'fake-servative' distinction unnecessary as well. unless you're referring there to reps to pretend to be fiscally conservative. not sure. anyway, you already know that we agree on the sentiment expressed by that quote, which is among the reasons i'm a lib, not a dem.

in regards to the clip itself, though, i'd agree with dft. stewart deftly makes the point that goldberg resents the misuse of a charged term like fascism, yet by his own admission, he exploits it for his "attention-grabber" book title.


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