John Stewart Rips Romney on the 47%


>> ^bobknight33:

Is all this Mitt bashing this week just to cover up the failed Obama relations with the Muslims shit going on in the middle east?
Obama knew 3 days in advance about this and blames a piss poor video.

What the fuck are you talking about? How does Mitt shoving his foot in his mouth in a MAJOR way have ANYTHING to do with Muslims losing their minds over a movie?

Do you even comprehend what Mitt Romney was disclosing in that leaked video. It is a significant and very scary look into his actual political agenda. He is an out-of-touch, elitist, bigoted, self-absorbed douche.

I am not saying Obama is any better, but you need to get your head out of your ass if you think that the outrage over that leaked video is in anyway connected to paranoid, radical Muslims.


>> ^bobknight33:

Is all this Mitt bashing this week just to cover up the failed Obama relations with the Muslims shit going on in the middle east?
Obama knew 3 days in advance about this and blames a piss poor video.

Just a thought but, how did Obama fail with relations with Muslims? I'm no Obama supporter but it doesn't seem to me like he could control the entire middle east and when he was "nice" to Muslims everyone in America kept calling him a Muslim or a Islamic Apologist or something like that.

SO what exactly was he supposed to do? Invade more cities or suck up more?


Obama failed in the middle east because .001% of the people there don't understand that the entire country of the USA didn't produce that video. Obama should have found all those gullible individuals and taught them how freedom of speech combined with cheap video equipment and youtube works.

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