Joe the Idiot Questions Obama's Loyalty to the U.S.

He thinks Obama's "ideology is completely different than what you know democracy stands for".

Oh, how ironic that statement is. This is what we get when we have idiots standing on the stage using words that they don't even know the definitions for.

Here, I'll do the next one: "Obama's a known terrorist pal'er arounder. Having all these folks vote for him makes them traitors, and that's completely against what democracy and our contitution stands for!".

Who the hell is this guy, anyway? Did they actually find a plumber out there named Joe?


You know what, this is Joe's audition tape for Fox. I bet he has an agent, a fucking stylist, and a slick right wing whackjob "manager" in an expensive suit.

$100 says that Joe arrived to do this interview in a first class limo payed for by Fox, got an expensive lunch, and got to meet all his new executive Fox friends.

Joe is your actual harmless, ordinary type of guy, who happens to also believe that Obama is the antichrist.

He has been swept up into this whirling, colourful farce of an election campaign, which is for me beginning to resemble a Holywood no-brainer movie with bad jokes and obnoxious costumes. In fact it's the movie Woody Allen would have written had he been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

He'll have a show on Fox next year, where we get to see Joe snorting coke out of Bill O'Reilly's ass crack, whilst being fucked in the ass by Sean Hannity wearing a McCain mask.


Thank you JOE. A voice for the people.

Obama is the worst of the worst. My SH#$*t has more experience. How mislead the Liberals and the LEFT are. When This poor excuse of a man wins it will be a giant step towards socialism. What a big mistake.

To all those who commented above Grow up and read the constitution and the Bill of Rights. You must of gotten your education from the govermet school.



Did you get your education from a school that doesn't proofread before posting? Or are you against funding is public schools and peoples right to an education?

If you have basis for your comments, go ahead and make that clear. What I'm sick of hearing is comments like those that Joe-the-Schmo makes about questioning someone's loyalty because they disagree. One of the things that the Bill'O'Rights declares is that people are allowed to have differing opinions --it isn't unpatriotic. Now, if you are so much more experienced then Senator Obama, with your non-government-school-education, then why aren't you running for president or at least for Senate?

Or maybe you should have paid more attention to a Real American during your education.


Sorry nutjobs, but the Democrats are center-right and the Republicans are moderate-right. Socialism is far left. Save for a few periods in history (e.g., the Great Depression), we have had a right-of-center government nearly the entire time we've been a nation. Most of us don't have any idea what a leftist government truly is. Go check out Scandinavia and then let me know whether you still think Barack is a socialist.



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Tags for this video have been changed from 'joe, the, plumber, barack, obama, loyalty, patriotic, john, mccain, moron, wingnut' to 'delusion, joe, the, plumber, barack, obama, loyalty, patriotic, john, mccain, mccarthyism' - edited by jwray


>> ^nibiyabi:
Go check out Scandinavia and then let me know whether you still think Barack is a socialist.

Exactly. the thing about Scandinavia, is that while most Americans would probably be SHOCKED by our "socialism", we still have most of the so-called freedoms Americans have (the only exception being stricter gun-control), and we are still a great leap away from communism, ie: actual socialism in the negative sense. After Reagan and Bush 1 and 2, it seems the US have missed out on all the benefits a social democracy can actually provide. Americans seems to live in a perpetual fantasy of achieving the "American Dream" and they have been duped into this mode of thought by corporations and special interests.

The constitution and Bill of rights are really good, and revolutionized democracy in its time, some basic principles are still as valid today, but democracy can, and has, evolved from there, including the rights for women to vote. The question Americans ought to ask themselves is whether it is possible to create a sustainable,thriving soceity and democracy were more than the richest 3% can reap benefits and live good lives. Yes it is.


>> ^nibiyabi:
Sorry nutjobs, but the Democrats are center-right and the Republicans are moderate-right. Socialism is far left. Save for a few periods in history (e.g., the Great Depression), we have had a right-of-center government nearly the entire time we've been a nation. Most of us don't have any idea what a leftist government truly is. Go check out Scandinavia and then let me know whether you still think Barack is a socialist.

Our "center-right" or "moderate-right" country is about to take a turn if Obama is elected.

Civilian Defense Force? Check.
Redistribution of wealth? Check.
Silencing the media? Check.

Communism in America? Check Check.


I just want to know: if a democratic ideology isn't about representing the majority, what exactly does Joe think it represents?

You must of gotten your education from the govermet school.

This from the guy with three mistakes in one sentence.


I'm sorry, but the reason this rubbish gets a mainstream voice in America is because the electorate is so ignorant that there are people willing to accept the legitimacy these kinds of statements.

The truth about McCain and Obama is that their policies are only marginally different. And yet, given the reporting you would be excused for thinking there is a choice between a 'Real American' and a Socialist-Islamist-Godless-Commufascist-Hater-of-all-things-Decent.

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