Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Joe Rogan - The Number 1 reason why Marijuana is Illegal is because the Pharma Cartel does not want you to grow your own Medicine. The Declaration of Independence was written on Hemp. The first car ever made ran on Hemp oil. Hemp seeds are also the healthiest food on the planet with the highest protein content out of any plant.

Marijuana Facts:
As part of the "War on Drugs", U.S. gives
hundreds of millions of dollars per year
of military aid to Colombia

War on Drugs results in the arrest of
1 million Americans each year.

Your tax money is spent on maintaining and
expanding the prison infrastructure required
to continue this policy

Marijuana is not addictive. Only 1% of Americans
smoke it on a daily basis. Withdrawal symptoms,
if any, are similar to coffee consumption

Marijuana has been proven to be effective in
reducing nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy,
stimulating apetite in AIDS patients, reducing
intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma

Marijuana also reduces muscle spasticity
in patients with neurological disorders.
Legalizing drugs would inject $76.8 billion a year
into the U.S. economy.$44.1 billion from law
enforcement savings, $32.7 billion in tax revenue

Annual Causes of Deaths in United States
Car Accidents26,347
Prescription Drugs32,000
Marijuana 0

When a private enterprise fails, it is closed down;
when a government enterprise fails, it is expanded.
Isnt that exactly whats been happening with drugs?
- Milton Friedman

>> ^Gamble:

No one has ever died from pot? Sorry, stopped watching right there.

so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.

but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!


I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.

I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.

Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.

Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.

In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.


>> ^Gamble:

I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.
I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.
Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.
Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.
In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

I have never seen any evidence that anyone has ever died as a direct result of marijuana use, and you provided none to back up your claims. But I have heard and read many reputable people say that no one has ever died from it's use.

I can tell you one thing. I'd feel more comfortable getting behind the wheel after taking a bong hit or two than after drinking a six pack. If anything I'd drive slower and more cautiously. Drunk I'd speed, and more than likely be swerving all over the road. Comparing the impairment you get from weed to alcohol is ridiculous.


Seriously, I have smoked pot for about fifteen years. Not every day but at least several times a month. I remember once during summer when I was 18 I was called in by my boss to work a morning that I wasn't scheduled for. I was about an hour and a half from my house and reeeally high when my dad called to tell me that my boss had called. That put me right on the spot. I had to drive home. It was one of the most panic inducing experiences I've ever had. I've had similar experiences driving at night (as a kid) on a highway that were scary but only while stoned (shakiness, paranoia, etc).

I moved to a city where I have no need of a car, I like to get fucked up, alright? It was one of the major forces in moving to a city with more than adequate transit. I knew I couldn't continue on in that fashion.

Anyway, where can I get DMT? Been looking for some for years.


I searched google for about 20 minutes for news articles to back up my statements. In all honesty, I found just one.
25/driver-blamed-string-crashes-says-he-smoked-pot-fi/ I'm not quite sure why so few articles come up. Perhaps drivers aren't tested for marijuana as much as they are alcohol? I'm open to debate here.

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^Gamble:
I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.
I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.
Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.
Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.
In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

I have never seen any evidence that anyone has ever died as a direct result of marijuana use, and you provided none to back up your claims. But I have heard and read many reputable people say that no one has ever died from it's use.
I can tell you one thing. I'd feel more comfortable getting behind the wheel after taking a bong hit or two than after drinking a six pack. If anything I'd drive slower and more cautiously. Drunk I'd speed, and more than likely be swerving all over the road. Comparing the impairment you get from weed to alcohol is ridiculous.


what duckman is saying is true pertaining to your argument because it is not an argument at all.
if we used your premise we should make cell phones or doing your make-up while driving class1 narcotics.
do you see how ludicrous that would be?
lets add nyquil while we are at it.

i am not suggesting that weed does not impair your faculties and may be a cause for vehicular accidents,i am suggesting it is irrelevant to this particular argument.
what you propose is a different argument entirely.


>> ^Gamble:

No one has ever died from pot? Sorry, stopped watching right there.

Hi Gamble, you seem genuine. Let me add what I can.

I'm going to call bullshit on that French study.

It says, "French researchers studied all drivers involved in fatal car crashes over a two-year period and found 7% tested positive for marijuana, including nearly 3% who tested positive for a combination of marijuana and alcohol."

This study is from before 2005, I don't believe roadside marijuana tests existed back then, as they aren't used much even now. That means they did tests that determined the person smoked weed in the past few weeks. And so 7% of those people tested positive for having smoked marijuana in the past few weeks? Whopp-dee-doo. From The National Survey on Drug Use and Health:

Among adults aged 26 or older, 6.3 percent were current illicit drug users in 2009. In this age group, 4.6 percent used marijuana, and 2.1 percent used prescription-type drugs nonmedically. Less than 1 percent used cocaine (0.6 percent), hallucinogens (0.2 percent), heroin (0.1 percent), and inhalants (0.1 percent). The only statistically significant changes between 2008 and 2009 in the rates of past month use among adults in this age group involved nonmedical use of stimulants (which increased from 0.2 to 0.4 percent) and methamphetamine use (which rose from 0.1 to 0.2 percent). In addition to these increases between 2008 and 2009, the rate of current marijuana use among adults aged 26 or older was higher in 2009 (4.6 percent) than in 2002 (4.0 percent).
( )

So obviously among those 4.6% marijuana users aged 26+ there are a lot of drivers who would test positive for drug use in the past few weeks.

It also says, "The study also showed that drivers who tested positive for marijuana were more than three times as likely to be responsible for the fatal car crash. Researchers say the likelihood of being at fault increased as the blood concentration of marijuana increased."

So they took blood tests? That doesn't determine if you're stoned. Marijuana stays in your blood for a long time. If you smoked yesterday at 2 P.M. you would still definitely have marijuana in your system. But you definitely wouldn't be stoned at all.

Lastly my own personal experience: I drive stoned all the time. But before you harangue me for being a danger to society let me tell you that I know when I am in control and when I'm not. I am a responsible driver and there have been very few occasions when I've smoked a joint and needed to rest before driving. It's happened a couple of times where I've been somewhere, smoked a big joint and then needed to leave. I get to my car and shit is still spinning and overwhelming a bit. It's these times when I take 10-15 minutes to let the initial effects wear off and adjust to and get serious about my surroundings.

Alcohol is far far worse, for me anyways... I've driven tipsy once or twice, and it's just not to be done. It's different, everything's just a big fucking joke when you're drunk. I had to keep reminding myself to be careful and not just let go and enjoy the ride lol. When stoned, I'm vigilant.

Lastly, I would like to mention that I feel weed affects me quite strongly. I've smoked a ton of weed in my day, and compared to me friends, I still get pretty darn high. Especially if I've gone even a week without smoking.

Anyways, tl;dr Marijuana is a relatively safe drug and the prohibition against it is highly suspicious.


And what about the evidence that smoking weed can cause schizofrenia etc in certain people? Isn't smoking *anything* going to carry a risk of cancer?

I know weed is a lot less dangerous than alcohol or tabacco, but I don't buy that its completely harmless either. There are plenty of really good reasons to legalise pot without exhaggerating its lack of risk.


I do believe there is evidence that weed can trigger schizophrenia, but only in people who are genetically predisposed to the ilness. Schizophrenia is genetic.

I used to figure that smoking anything can cause cancer, but there are many ways to enjoy marijuana. As far as I know, there is no link between marijuana and cancer.

If you roll joints mixed with tobacco, then you're smoking paper, glue and, of course, tobacco.

But you can use a vaporizer which is different and I don't think causes cancer at all.


>> ^Jinx:

And what about the evidence that smoking weed can cause schizofrenia etc in certain people? Isn't smoking anything going to carry a risk of cancer?
I know weed is a lot less dangerous than alcohol or tabacco, but I don't buy that its completely harmless either. There are plenty of really good reasons to legalise pot without exhaggerating its lack of risk.

@ Matthu is basically right in this. Your doctor will most likely remind you of this if you were Schizophrenic. The psychedelics of course have a "chance" to trigger an event , but the schizoid type usually know this before hand. The first try is a bitch for almost everything. Depending on how the drug interacts chemistry wise is what creates the problem; either your body over/under-compensates or does nothing.

The last part is that some psychedelics can cause, serious, irreversible problems when used. Marijuana isn't exactly, the drug to be doing that. Secondly, Marijuana doesn't cause cancer. The fact that you're still breathing in smoke is the problem. This still doesn't cause cancer, but it can decrease your overall lung capacity. Use a bong or breathalyzer.

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