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Jimmy Carr Heckles Two People in His Audience


That was some fine ad lib by him. It somewhat highlights the whole inequality with how we view men and women in that situation... a man with a fuck buddy "Well done son, you've done good, keep it up lad". A woman with a fuck buddy "Oh you slut".

If they both enjoy it, good on them. But it is the sad truth that in the *majority* of cases the woman really would prefer more from the situation, whereas it's the man who just wants the sex.

There are of course cases where both truly *are* happy with the fucking for fucking's sake arrangement, but I think you will indeed find that the woman would prefer something a bit more meaningful.


Thanks for the review, spoco. I'll save myself from the probable aggravation of watching this, now. What you've said is true of my experience. One night stands were only ever a desperate attempt to 'find somebody'. At this point in my life I realise that this motivation is less admirable than wanting to fuck for fuck's sake.


As long as spoco and persephone dont include me in that generalization. I have never had a one night stand and I dont want one. The idea that women are always the ones who want something more "meaningful" insults me. I like this clip because with his sarcasm he was attacking the man as well.

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