
.... My instinct is to run away and not help this become viral... But I don't think I can help myself!

I'd never heard of SmartWater before I started seeing pictures of a sweaty Jennifer Anniston drinking big, thick bottles of the stuff. But after a minimal amount of (Google) research, it looks like SmartWater is made by the VitaminWater folks. Ellen Degeneres did her own run of photo and video ads for VitaminWater Zero.


I don't know if the bottled water industry isn't more bullshitty in the US. Here, I don't know of a single brand of bottled water (at least of the famous ones) where the water isn't collected at the spring, and instead in the middle of a city from a tap.

edit: of course I don't mean those stupidly expensive water brands. I buy water by the 5 liter jug, and costs less than 1€.

>> ^notarobot:

Bottled water is no better than what comes through your faucet. The plastic bottle it comes in ends up downstream in your food supply. No matter how fun or witty the advertising is, bottled water is bullshit.


>> ^notarobot:

Bottled water is no better than what comes through your faucet. The plastic bottle it comes in ends up downstream in your food supply. No matter how fun or witty the advertising is, bottled water is bullshit.

Actually, tap water supplies are tested many times per day and shut down immediately by government regulators if they are found to have dangerous levels of any known contaminant. Water bottling plants are inspected as infrequently as once a year. So I'd replace "no better" with "demonstrably worse." The whole idea that people would pay good money for a product when our cities and counties provide a superior product for pennies on the dollar just shows how gullible we are. No wonder we're in debt to the rest of the world.


Good luck to them, I say. Selling bottled water is the epitomy of marketing. If people are stupid enough to believe that water can be smart, then they deserve to pay through the nose for this shit.




I don't see the problem with bottled water, other than people trying to say you should drink it in your own home. But as a product, I appreciate being able to go to the shop when I'm thirsty and have water as an option


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