It's raining rocks in Sicily

Turi Scandurra shows off the falling volcanic pebbles from Mt Etna in Giardini Naxos, Sicily.

YouTube description:

November 23rd, 2013. A massive cloud of lava ashes and stones hits North-Eastern Sicily, spawned by the explosive eruption of Mt. Etna and pushed hundreds of miles away by the wind.

23 Novembre 2013. Una fitta pioggia di lapilli investe la Sicilia Nord-Orientale e parte della Calabria.

Video by Turi Scandurra.

Holy Shit, stonado. WTF exploding balls of rocky ice? CGIce balls, TVs gettin' SO fuckin' stupid! Dint they just have some tornado drop sharks and alligators on towns?
Tornadoes are stand-alone insanity like volcanoes, but I'd rather live at the foot of a volcano than in tornado alley. Better victory gardens and more lead-time to GTFO.


Wow, timely ... I just watched "Stonados" on the SyFy channel


*backup=[...snipped...] and thanks to for finding the original video, which I hadn't.

p.s. The filmmaker posted a comment to liveleak:

I'm the filmmaker, I'd like to share a couple of notes.
The "raining" of ashes from Mt. Etna is not rare, but this time it was unusually intense. Some towns nearby were hit even harder.
It lasted more than 30 minutes.
Yes, cars got scratched, some windshields got chipped. But no Ferrari's or Lamborghini's around!
The biggest pain is to clean up, we have to collect ash into sacks and stash them at the corners for a special service to collect them. It will take weeks to get rid of it all.
We have to wear masks while cleaning because thin ashes are believed to hurt your lungs.
Pompei was not covered with the same kind of ashes, but with a massive cloud of gas and burning ashes that can be found only at the top of Mt.Etna. We're safe down here (~60Km from the volcano.)
@caar1970 at 1:27 I'm wiping ash from a tiled floor, not a car.
@Joxed My vespa can handle dirt very well. It's not unsafe if you drive slow like I did.

This is the original URL of the video: Less..
Posted 12 hours ago By turisc

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