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Iranian Police Enforces "Islamic Dress Code" on Women

Islamic Republic ftw.

Stupidest post ever. A recording of people having a conversation in the street. They have public beheadings in Saudi Arabia and women are forbidden to drive, even if their child requires critical medical attention. But Saudi Arabia is an "ally" whereas the US is out to villify Iran, so who gets the attention? Frankly I could give two shits about Iran, but anyone who can read a book knows they're one of the most stable and secular Islamic states...


Secular islamic state? I want some of what coupland's been smoking.

That wasn't just a "conversation" between women. That was a female police officer enforcing the dress code. Are you telling me that you didn't get a shiver up your spine when the officer told the lady at the end to come onto the bus?

And this was more than "just a recording". Whoever recorded that video took an enormous risk. The Iranian police do not take kindly to being recorded.


savages? come now... surely enforcing a dresscode isn't savage... or is that what the opinion of the middle east has come to? christ people... get a grip...

this is NOT YOUR COUNTRY... don't expect to understand their customs or enforcement policies.
you can run around naked in certain places in europe, and yet you cannot in America... i wonder if Sweden is saying "oh... they have to wear clothes... savages..."


Just because there are worse things happening in other countries, we should not turn a blind eye to what is happening in Iran. Iran appeared to be (slowly) becoming more liberal, and allowing more freedoms, but the Islamic conservatives have been re-exerting their power lately. They are one of the most powerful states in the region and should not be taken lightly.


THE MESSAGE IN THIS VIDEO IS HOW OPPRESSIVE AND FASCISTIC AN ISLAMIC SHARIA GOVERNMENT IS---not only to women but everyone who values Democratic Freedoms. Iran happens to be currently explicitly threatening unleashing unbridled violence via "bomb threats" on the world of Democratic values and any country trying to insitute such values as is the current situation in Iraq---which Iran is trying to de-stabilize in order to take over Iraq. I do not support the Islamic extremists in Saudi Arabia either or any other Muslim asshole fanatics. Thank Be To Goodness that they are not be-heading people in Afghanistan anymore. Those of you who think "Islamic Law" is "Just" should go and live in an Islamic country under "Sharia Law" and see how much freedom of "speech" or otherwise you would have.

I think Coupland and pho3n1x would definitly wind up "in the bus" and then jail in this so-called "most stable and secular Islamic state". TELL ME WHAT'S "SECULAR" ABOUT THIS "ISLAMIC" DRESS CODE ? Kudos to Garsh for his comments.

pho3n1x does not know what being oppressed is. The "this is not your country" comment suggests no one has the right to freely speak about the obviously oppressive policies of another country---and that IS stupid. Women beware of pho3n1x.

I could not stand the angry squawk of that oppressive and stupid Burka clad woman harassing women going about their daily business. Maybe that's the kind of "dress code" you like pho---let's put a burka on you and shut your mouth with Sharia Law.

I have close Iranian friends who know how bad the current situation is in Iran and are glad to be out of Iran.


umm, nice try... way to twist the hell out of that one...

first off, i don't live in Iran, nor do i ever plan on doing so. I personally disagree with this kind of treatment, but who am I to say whether what another country is doing to its own people is right or wrong? for that matter, who are YOU to say what they're doing is right or wrong.

"Women beware of pho3n1x"?? i'll be sure to warn my well-taken-care-of wife...

stop putting words in my mouth... did i say i liked the law? did i say i liked the dresscode? no. i simply said, "surely enforcing a dresscode isn't savage... " mostly meaning that it's not my place to say what another countries customs are. i don't pretend to know what's best for a people.

I have close Iranian friends who know how bad the current situation is in Iran and are glad to be out of Iran. Good for them. They have made the right choice then, in my opinion. what's stopping the rest of the citizens from fleeing the country?

what can i say?? sucks to be Iranian? oh wait, let's get involved in another war just because we disagree with what that country is doing.

"Watch out, or America will bring Democracy to YOUR country..." [insert M16 image]


BlueGW, are you providing a solution to this problem?


Are you blowing alot of steam?


Iran is mostly young people now, there is a huge clash between the old generation and the new westernized generation that is fizzing over to the streets. It's not about Islam or anything like that, it's about power and control. Religion is the opium of the masses remember, thinking these people do this mostly out of religious enforcement shows a distinct lack of understanding of the changing climate in the Middle East.

Bitch and whine about it as much as you want, you don't really give a shit what happens there...


"Coupland is right, there are far worse things that occur in Saudia Arabia, yet we strive to villify Iran in the run up to a possible armed conflict with them. "

This video wasn't posted with the intention to vilify Iran, not by me, or by MEMRI TV. It's a video showing an incident that took place in Tehran, there's no propaganda behind it.


Am not picking you out ghost cake, but you have to admit that recently criticism of Iran has increased immensely, while Saudi Arabia never gets a look at. Why? Because they are our allies?

This is the same thing I saw happen with Iraq with the run up to the war.


"savages? come now... surely enforcing a dresscode isn't savage... or is that what the opinion of the middle east has come to? christ people... get a grip...

this is NOT YOUR COUNTRY... don't expect to understand their customs or enforcement policies.
you can run around naked in certain places in europe, and yet you cannot in America... i wonder if Sweden is saying "oh... they have to wear clothes... savages..."

That's a totally bogus argument. Really, totally, I can't believe the amount of bullshit, but it's made all the time.

Right and wrong is not a matter of which country you live in or what poisonous regime happens to be in power at the time, or what despicable religion you practice, or culture, custom, or consensus. Yes, enforcing a dress-code is savagery, all the more so when it's done by the state. It's absurd for one thing, and petty, but most significantly it infringes on the basic right to individual sovereignty, and is therefore a crime against humanity. The perpetrators and those who sympathise with them are disqualified from the human race and should be burned alive with the rest of the filth.


Right and wrong is not a matter of which country you live in...
umm, yes it is... you know about "laws" right? those things that each country gets to make up on their own? the "rules of right and wrong"? perhaps you're not familiar with them...
Try taking marijuana from Amsterdam to any other country... it's against their rules, or "laws" if you will...
Or, even better, it's okay to wiretap American phone lines due to the fact that the current "poisonous regime" has said so... couldn't do that with the last one...

Yes, enforcing a dress-code is savagery, all the more so when it's done by the state.
oh, you must not be familiar with this thing called the "military" then... it's composed of 4 major branches, all of which STRICTLY enforce a state mandated dress-code. Yeah, pretty absurd. *gasp*

basic right to individual sovereignty, and is therefore a crime against humanity
okay, so you're trying to say there should be no rules for anything pushed on anyone? well then the whole world is being oppressed.

The perpetrators and those who sympathise with them are disqualified from the human race and should be burned alive with the rest of the filth.
Great attitude. This will definitely help with your future life endeavors. It's attitudes like this that are the reason we're at "war" to begin with... In your eyes, the perps are those in the middle east. in THEIR eyes, WE are the perps... i hope you have your personalized pile of sticks ready.

all this over a woman in the street, making shrouded threats to other women, who are not complying with the social norms of the country they live in. if you cannot or will not obey the common law of the country you are inhabiting, move... it happens daily. (i guess with the exception of Cuba)


Yes I know about laws; morality by consensus? Fuck that. Law exists to punish and deter criminal acts, it doesn't define them. Morality is revealed through logic, on the foundation of self-ownership, a right that you don't even acknowledge. How terrifying that such a simple and evident concept is so contentious in today's insane societies.
You seem to think it's literally immoral to smoke weed in most countries, but OK if you're in the Netherlands. Wicked to walk down the street naked in the US, fine in Sweden. What madness; breaking the law is not an inherently criminal act. Human beings know both these activities are acceptable wherever you are, regardless of the law.

"oh, you must not be familiar with this thing called the "military" then... it's composed of 4 major branches, all of which STRICTLY enforce a state mandated dress-code."

No-one's talking about uniforms but you, pull yourself together.


Uniform: The noun meaning "distinctive clothes worn by one group" is first attested 1748, from Fr. uniforme.

dress code
?noun a set of rules specifying the garb or type of clothing to be worn by a group or by people under specific circumstances: a military dress code; The restaurant's dress code requires men to wear jackets and ties at dinner.



I think my whole point here is, who are YOU to decide what's moral or immoral for an entire country of people? or the entire world for that matter?
everyone wants individual sovereignty, and yet here you are trying to govern what another nation does with its own people.

just because American's "hold these truths to be self-evident" doesn't mean the rest of the world feels the same. and regardless of my opinion on whether the world should be a Utopian society or not, this is simply not an idea based in reality. sorry.


Who am I? I'm a human being with a properly functioning mind, can there be any greater arbiter of truth? My point is that right and wrong doesn't change with location, so saying we're not qualified to tell Iranians how to police their citizens is bullshit.

Your whole thing about uniforms is really not the issue, so I'm reluctant to devote too much discussion to it. It's a kind of quasi-exception in the same way as yelling fire in a crowded theatre is to free speech. They both appear to be more akin to the subject than they really are, but aren't true exceptions or contradictions because there are other factors involved, which create the need for different treatment. Another one would be mandated protective clothing for insurance purposes.


I do know why, yes - because they're morons.

well, you know what they say... it takes one........

with that statement, you have pretty much invalidated the entire arguement you made about a properly functioning mind.


pho3n1x, you can't be serious. You have an incredibly immature understanding of right and wrong. So gay marriage was "wrong" in Iowa last week but now it's "right"? Give me a fucking break. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of where you live.

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