From YouTube:
Fukushima, Japan - The Japanese government has issued the evacuation order on March 12 for the residents living within the 20 kilometer radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Since then, residents have left their homes, and the "no man land" has been out of touch with the rest of the world.
A Japanese journalist, Tetsuo Jimbo, ventured through the evacuation zone last Sunday, and filed the following video report.
He says that, inside the evacuation zone, homes,building, roads and bridges, which were torn down by Tsunami, are left completely untouched, and the herd of cattle and pet dogs, left behind by the owners, wonders around the town while the radiation level remains far beyond legal limits.
ant*Eia *Wtf *Nature *Wheels *Health
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Jinxsays...1,000,000μSv = 1000mSv = 1Sv
250mSV is about when you start to get symptons of radiation sickness. Its also the maximum allowed dose for workers at the Fukushima powerplant. To get that kind of dose from the radiation they were exposed to at the end of the clip they'd need to stand there for some 2500 hours.
So yeah, while its definitely not healthy to be there its not chernobyl either. I don't think it'll be 50 years before enough material has decayed to allow rehabitation either.
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luxury_pieWho the fuck would leave their dog behind???
I mean sure some went missing, were not to be found in time and are now becoming the radioactive overlords of the area, but this cant really be the deal for anyone of those dogs, can it?
Poor things
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