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"In God We Teach" tells the story of a high school student who secretly recorded his history teacher in class, and accused him of proselytizing for Jesus. The teacher, in danger of losing his job strenuously denied it. The specifics of the controversy lead directly to the church & state arguments that are in the news this election year. With Stephen Colbert, Alan Dershowitz, Neil deGrasse Tyson and others. -yt

LaClair deserves a medal (perhaps he is the new Hitch, we need one). He stands as an inspiration to those who want, but are to afraid, to speak out against insidious, religious, indoctrination. Believe in whatever bronze age myth you choose, but keep it out of school and politics (imagine Romney, a follower of LDS, as president), and allow rational free thinkers to get on with life in the real world.


Why does everything have to turn into a lawsuit though?

According to the picture of that letter to the teacher, religion is clearly not in the curriculum so the school backed the separation of church and state. So I don't understand why this is an issue. The letter seemed to imply that the school did not approve, but the video implied that the school board was behind him. (didn't get to watch all of the video though)

Flip it around. what if a teacher taught evolution or another religion at a catholic school? The teacher would be canned so fast. So why is it ok to push religion in a public school funded by taxpayers that has students of all/no religion(s) I don't care if America was 100 percent catholic, it's still not ok. The constitution is very clear on this. It's not ok to use a majority to squash minority rights.

dissent is patriotic


That teacher is such an idiot, there are no words. "If I thought I was hurting his feelings..." (12:56): it's not about feelings moron, it's about the law.

I don't know how far I'll be able to go with this, I'm only 15 minutes in and the idiocy of the teacher's defenders (and of course himself) is just flabbergasting. It hurts my brain.


OK, So I watched the Whole thing...

Best quote is right at the very end:
"It was in the New York Times, It was in the local papers, It was on CNN, It's all over the internet, It's on You Tube. That's how the gospel spreads."

I see great irony in his quote.


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