If I wanted America to fail

From Hotair.com
If I wanted America to fail I…I suppose I wouldn’t change a thing.

This is exactly right of course, and the prescription for change is more than just about electing a new president in November, or the GOP winning a majority in the Senate. Yes, the destructive effects of big government on economic prosperity and individual liberty have been exponentially worse since Democrats won a majority in Congress in 2006. Culminating in the nightmare of 2009-2010. But America veered off course long before this, with both parties complicit in the growth of runaway government spending and the perpetual expansion of federal power.

If I wanted America to fail:

  • I'd build lots of coal fired power stations. Preferably right in the middle of major cities to maximise the health effects. Obviously I couldn't do it myself, so instead I'd just phase out the EPA and then let the energy companies do it. I'd tell people it was for prosperity.
  • I'd just close the schools... no, wait, even better... I'd let schools charge fees according to their results, and let private schools compete with public.
  • I'd teach the children that they live in the greatest country on earth, and they should never question that fact. In fact, I'd make it an offense to speak out against America... it's unpatriotic.
  • I'd remove all the regulations impeding business. This would increase the flow of wealth from the poor to the rich, but I'd say it was creating jobs (and market crashes just happen, they can't be stopped).
  • I'd phase out the metric system, see the point above, the United States of America is the greatest country on earth... and should be able to use whatever archaic convoluted system of weights and measures they like.
  • If I wanted America to fail, I would prey on the evil already in the hearts of the Oligarchs, and convince them to just keep doing what they're doing. It's for the greater good.


Oooh, a documentary on modern fascist propaganda!

Propaganda: "If I wanted America to fail, I'd set up an imaginary market of carbon credits."

Actual information content of the above sentence: "I don't get how carbon credits are supposed to help, and I'm guessing you don't either, so I invite you to just assume it's some nefarious plot meant to destroy America."

Notice that not once is any argument actually made for why anything he mentions is bad. Most of that impression is communicated stylistically through music, cinematography, and tone of voice.

Take those things away, and it's just a guy rattling off a series of things he can't seem to understand, but presenting his ignorance as if it were some kind of evidence that all of this is some sort of nonsense being repeated as part of a plot to destroy America.

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