I heard it today, Barack got a prize
Seams they dishin' peace prizes, left and right
If you wanna prize, you can do it to
There's just a few things, that you gotta do
I'm mowing the lawn
You get a peace prize
Doing the laundry
Thats a peace prize
I'm grooming my dog
Peace prize
He seems to like it
Thats a peace prize
You, get a peace prize
He, gets a peace prize
I, get a peace prize
Everybody, gets a peace prize
They gave a peace prize, to our president
He'd only been prez, for two weeks by then
The same time he takes, to dust his smokes
Some people call this, Nobel Prize a joke
But remember y'all, Big O gives us hope
More hope for all man, even for the pope
This award aint for, anything he did
But for things he promises that he will
The first man to win, a peace prize for hope
Bankrupt America, The man is dope
Obama wants change, see it in his eyes
If you do to, you've earned yourself a prize
I'm in the hot tub
Peace prize
I'm doing some dips
Peace prize
Showing potential
Peace prize
Being a black guy
Gets a peace prize
I'm making a sandwich
That's a peace prize
She's eating the sandwich
Peace prize
It's delicious
Heres a peace prize
Uh, yeah peace prize
The Nobel Prize, ain't given to fools
The whole committee, Went to greater schools
They thought Barack, Was Nobel worthy
they decided to, look at his story
He was voted to, be our president
Then they closed the books, The man is in
His name'll go down, with other cool cats
Al Gore, Carter, Yasser Arafat
The prize ain't always given to the best
Its got to be, politically correct
Thats why it's not, everybody wins
For what not to do, Take a look at him
Liberate Iraq
You get no peace prize
Curb AIDS in Africa
No peace prize
Your last name is Bush
You get no peace prize
Ha, no peace prize
Obama, gets a peace prize
Automatic, Peace Prize
Huh, peace prize
Everybody, peace prize
blankfistTerrible. Awful. Worth a *quality.
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by blankfist.
cheesemooPost this video - PEACE PRIZE
siftbotMoving this video to quantumushroom's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
quantumushroom* beg
I begged for this sift THAT'S A PEACE PRIZE.
Siftbot does something next...PEACE PRIZE.
GeeSussFreeKYou got some lolz that's a peace prize,
failed to get sifted that's a peace prize
quantumushroomThis should be automatically sifted for the votes it WILL receive!
Isn't Siftbot on the Nobel Committee?
GeeSussFreeKI'm thinking bout promoting that's a peace prize!
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter quantumushroom.
quantumushroom♫♪ I begged the robot♫♪ ....
.... ♪♫ Automatic ♫♪
PeAcE PrIzE ♫♪ !
GeeSussFreeKThis didn't get sifted yet that's a peace prize
longdeI downvoted this bullshit that's a peace prize!!
quantumushroomI downvoted this bullshit that's a peace prize!!
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter quantumushroom.
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter quantumushroom.
siftbotSelf promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by original submitter quantumushroom.
Hive13There's good terrible and then there is really, terrible, shitty terrible. This is the latter.
GenjiKilpatrickthe premise of this parody is funny but the guy who does it is a total cuntbag.
Also, you submitted it. hence the downvote.
:: gets a peace prize :: = P
residueupvoting every comment so far, that's a peace prize!
Hive13 misspelling the word "latter," that's a peace prize
GeeSussFreeKMoar down votes, that a peace prize!
quantumushroomAlso, you submitted it. hence the downvote.
I have too much panache to do the same.
gharkRead all your comments, that's a peace prize!
siftbotAdding video to channels (Hiphop) - requested by ant.
garmachiSo many comments... so few votes!
I'll push it to ten!
garmachiNow it's sifted.
That's a PEACE PRIZE!!!
longdeLOL, this sift is like the battle of the bulge! QM finally got his troops through.
GeeSussFreeK>> ^longde:
LOL, this sift is like the battle of the bulge! QM finally got his troops through.
Yaaaa, that's a peace prize!
BoneRemakeI liked this
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