The video pretty much speaks for itself. It's short, so watch it :)
From YouTube:
How to wake up a sleeping kid.
Only 3 years old!
For all you commentators and viewers, just to clarify a few things about this video.
This is my half little brother and she is my sister. My mother married a BIG Viking :) So brother looks a little more than 3 years.
The last time we woke him up in the car, he got so grumpy and cranky. And since he loves this kind of music we just had to try a new method. I think there are parents that can recognize this scene.
He is half Norwegian and half Chilean.
Negative or posetive comments, I think it's fun to read them, we are all so different:)
The language you hear is from Trondheim dialect Norway and Spanish.
Thanks for your attention!
Ps. seat belt is our fault :/
He wakes up playing the drums in his sleep. Very funny!
Eventyrlig måte å våkne opp til Nirvana musikk.
Reddit thread:
seltarI cast a *promote , and it's super effective!
siftbotSelf promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, May 11th, 2012 3:53pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter seltar.
brycewi19Dave Grohl would be proud.
alien_conceptI WOULD BE THE PROUDEST PARENT IN THE WORLD!!! Oh fair play to you both, that is every kind of genius
alien_conceptNot to mention that absolute DILF in the passenger seat! Oh man, this better get to the number one spot.
ulysses1904Cool kid. Back in my day my parents would only have had the option to blast Cousin Brucie on the tinny AM radio, not quite the same.
DraxThe power of ROCK.
siftbotAdding video to channels (Wheels) - requested by ant.
I've played the air-drums on this too many times to count. This kid is ahead of his time, or his parents are good teachers.
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Friday, May 11th, 2012 6:54pm PDT - promote requested by evil_disco_man.
xxovercastxxThree? That kid is huge! I would have guessed he was at least 7.
dystopianfuturetodayThat made my day.
heropsychoThat's great, but they're endangering the kid's life. Why is the woman driving?
ZawashParenting monster win!
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