How to Troll Snipers in Battlefield 3

Let's face it, snipers are annoying in any game, however when you have the ability to use planes to "sneak up" on them, it does leave them open.

How open do you do ask? How about long enough to set up the c4, and actually send them a message before blowing them up to bits?

>> ^Auger8:

God I miss Battlefield I used to do this all the time in BF2 not to mention carpet bombing snipers with the bomber jets. Ahh good times!

Might be worth going back to with the upcoming Armored kill expansion. No carpet bombing but the cannon on the AC-130 will do the job.


>> ^papple:

Do you know what else is annoying? People who use jets purely as transport. It's such a waste, and allows the enemy jets to roam free.

Unless nobody is using them anyway... in which case using them for transport is a tactical advantage. I see jets go unused all the time.

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