"How about the world's most likable cop?"

"Cop gives 'NO EXCUSES' for Record # of complaints...0 ... Check this out. Unbelievable !!!

At a time in America when police 'JUSTICE' is questionable to say the least. This beat Cop gives the perfect example of how to do the job correctly and actually gets positive reactions from the people he writes tickets to. Unbelievable story... A MUST SEE !!!"

From http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1kuizg/how_about_the_worlds_most_likable_cop/ ...

I've have great cop interactions and horrible cop interactions. Same with referees in sports. People are fucking stressed out and they have problems sometimes with authority or difficult situations or masters they have to serve.

That's why we have to try and make their jobs as easy as possible. Don't give cops quotas they have to fill, have them be a part of the community.



Wait...I have to disagree with you somewhere Yogi...so lets just agree to disagree?


I've have great cop interactions and horrible cop interactions. Same with referees in sports. People are fucking stressed out and they have problems sometimes with authority or difficult situations or masters they have to serve.

That's why we have to try and make their jobs as easy as possible. Don't give cops quotas they have to fill, have them be a part of the community.


What's funny is he had no idea he didn't have any complaints...which means he assumed he had complaints...which means that cops are probably never told there are complaints in the first place...which defeats the purpose of complaining.


Hardly skillful....Deano?? Got my back on this one, right?

He's an enigma. Black cop in a traditionally "whites only" good-ol' boys club. A tenured motorcycle patrolman who found his niche like a 30-year-veteran bus driver would. Make the rounds, do my job, get my pension, don't make waves.

If it's a healthy survival skill you're speaking of, he's full of it and seems a genuinely nice guy. He's still a member a broken, infected, and hopefully terminal club.


I am about to view the video. I shall update you shortly.


Hardly skillful....Deano?? Got my back on this one, right?

He's an enigma. Black cop in a traditionally "whites only" good-ol' boys club. A tenured motorcycle patrolman who found his niche like a 30-year-veteran bus driver would. Make the rounds, do my job, get my pension, don't make waves.

If it's a healthy survival skill you're speaking of, he's full of it and seems a genuinely nice guy. He's still a member a broken, infected, and hopefully terminal club.


I like the call but there's not enough skillful content to make it into the channel. More of a puff piece as they say.


I would also say *skillful because he does something no one else can. It is a different skill set than say rapping or driving, but epic nevertheless.


I can understand that Deano. My argument is that this guy is making waves daily, pissing people off by taking the most valuable thing in America (Money;) and people are, for the last 30 years, just saying fuck it, it's okay we still love you.

But what does piss me off, in no way related to you Deano, is how "skillful" came into question in the first place. Basically, "Fuck this Uncle Tom Pig, little black ass kissing ass in a white person's world by not making waves. Got the cock sucking skills to survive!"

This has nothing to do with him being black. All command presence coupled with a sense of humanity. I am also sure that he didn't just have dealings with "white" people in 30 years. I am sure he has had a few poor, disenchanted black, white, Hispanic, etc. They do live around "white" people, despite the fact that certain Americans don't believe it.

I say that line of thinking belongs 30 years ago. And yes, it was presented exactly like that. Seems more appropriate for Bill O' Riley than a Sifter.

So thank you Deano, for being civil. I respect your choice


I like the call but there's not enough skillful content to make it into the channel. More of a puff piece as they say.


I could have left race out lawdeelaws, but it wouldn't have made my point as well concerning the nature of the private enterprise (legal system, law enforcement) used to increase that enterprise's scope and control over the people rather than the equitable and righteous treatment of the same. Fuck a traffic ticket, and thanks for the one the nice guy that hands em to me, and goddamn the bulk of 'em who, as I've stated before on threads having to do with brutality, cops-gone-wild, etc., CAN NOT HELP being corrupted by a broken, corrupt, out-of-control system of law in the United States. If you are a cop in the realm of the now well-intent be-damned, you will eventually compromise societal morality and humanity towards fellow man, period.

SO yeah, forget what I mentioned about the man's melanin levels, he's a point of light in pile of dogshit.

Please forgive my incivility, a recent encounter with blue has me quite stirred.... @lawdeelaws, didn't you mention somewhere before that you were a member or former member of a fraternal order of law-sorts?

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