Holy Mormon Underwear, Batman!

So I had this Mormon friend in high school that used to drive me to school before I got a license. Every morning I would walk up to his house, come in and wait for him to finish getting ready for school and then we'd leave. One morning I came in and his mother was in the living room in what I can only describe as 80's workout attire. She squeals and covers herself up as if she's fully nude. Being as that there was no bare skin, and it was very modest, I had no idea what the hell she was so sheepish about. It wasn't until later my friend explained that those were her "Mormon undergarments" that I realized why she freaked. From then on I found other ways to school

Not much difference from Hasidic Jews who wear their Tallit Katan underneath their clothing.. wheres a video explaining their beliefs to make fun of?

Now, I'm an Atheist, but if we're gonna make fun of religion.. go for it as a whole, because the hypocrisy of the way every denomination of Christians attack each other because their beliefs differ and about all of America and these other denominations gang up on Mormons when they don't actually know anything about them is crazier then any of the various beliefs.

And in all honesty.. it is a weird belief. But no stranger then what people believe in Judaism, Islam, and every form of Christianity. I guess I feel akin to Mormons as an Atheist because American Christians tend have this strong distrust of them for completely unfounded ideas and rumors - the same way they do Atheists.


There most definitely is a difference between a religion, like mormonism, and an unfounded kooky cult like scientology.

I took that comment way too seriously at first...I blame the mormon girlfriend..

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