Heartwarming story of a guy who lost 120lbs... and got happy


While I'm happy for Happy, no credits roll when you reach your desired weight.

As the alcoholic must abstain from alcohol every day for the rest of his life, Happy will have to run and eat healthy 6 days a week for the rest of his life.


For some reason I like that he didn't specify his inspiration. We are all inspired by different things. In fact, there could be some cases where I would be too detracted by an inspiration that I just wouldn't be able to relate to.

I really liked this video. I don't think there is any going back for this man. The video really conveys a commitment to and for life.

To change your life like this (for the better) by such a great amount of grit is so very admirable to me me.

I rarely cheer for and feel happy for a complete stranger like I did when I watched this.

Good for him!

Good job. Well done. Awesome. Inspiring.


Dear once fat now inspirational,

I truly feel I can completely let myself go then recover to some teary song and acheive the triumph I've always desired. I envy you. Really, I do. And god damn, that cold play... I don't like feeling... this way.


Yeah I gotta say that was pretty cool. I wanna know more about it though...it's sad it couldn't have been like a preview to a bigger movie but I guess when you're busy changing your life you don't bother to go and film it all do you. Maybe I should do it though...I'm not really fat but I could do with losing some weight.

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