Headless Ant Caught Still Moving

"Friendly fire is fairly common in ant colonies when trying to take down prey/invaders. These aphaenogaster tennesseensis are not exception to this, and while they were attempting to take down a bug a fellow worker mistakenly latched onto this workers head and it came right off. I watched the worker still moving around and trying to stand up-right so I figured I would film it. It’s strange how even after death it’s nerves can make it stand up-right if it falls over."

From https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/1bhpo7d/headless_ant_still_caught_moving/.

Most insects have a ventral nerve cord which is a set of cells that allow for movement based purely on external stimuli so the brain doesn’t need to be involved at all for reactive movement. These cells also seem to do the job of proprioception, locating the body position in space, so it’s not that surprising it can stand itself up and walk…it can likely even move away from high heat. Bugs are weird. Some dinosaurs had similar systems.


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