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Guy Has Bad Trip On Salvia - Disturbing

Drugs are bad, mkay? I found this is genuinely disturbing - even double checked the sift posting guidelines. Some people may find this distasteful.

Much as it seems disturbing to you pipp, the trip was actually quite well conducted. Having (relatively) sober 'sitters' with past experience and a calm environment goes a long way to a pleasant trip.
Imagine this guy surrounded by frat boys doing this in a club? You'll end up tased and arrested.
Not that I encourage (cough cough) such behavior but an acid trip or, God forbid, PCP will lead to much more distress and for MUCH longer than that.


Oh, and for the record he describes his experience at the end:
Off camera - "when Charles tried it, he tripped for 20 minutes, we were getting scared, you lost it only for about 3-5 minutes"
Subject - "I remember most of it, it was like something went inside my mouth and moved my body from inside"
(while tripping he was asking repeatedly what he had in his mouth)
Off camera - "At first you don't understand what's happening, so you try to fight it..."


If you take the drug after researching it and actualy knowing what will happen and then slowly introduce yourself to it its very hard to have a bad trip unlike other drugs you have a great deal of controle and mental awarenes. i just wish people were responsable. it would be like drinking half a bottle of vodcha the first time u ever had a drink.( with the difrence beeang u cnt actualy die ore overdose on salvea )

ITs not bad at all the biggest problem with salvea is people take it for the wrong resoins. people take it to be all exstreeem ore to see what "affect" it has on them thay allso take realy high dossages for there first time which is not advised. it has to be noted salvea has very few toxins and is actualy remarcably safe allso it is not adictive in anny way. salvea should only be taken by sumone who is very mentaly secure and has a good understanding of themselfs allso it should be taken in a peacfull enviroment with maby just 1 other person who you trust and feal comfortable with ( not sumone who is presuring you )

alvea lets you see the world in a very true fasoin without anny of the assoceatoins that you place on objects throughout your life. allso it helps you see the compleat ironay in everything and for that resoin the drug will often make people laff quite uncontrolably. after the main trip its posable to think about things in a realy intresting way and maby think about things that you wouldent normaly think of.


I didn't think it was really disturbing. More interesting than anything. What terms would we be using to describe this scene if it took place in a national geographic documentary about South American tribal shamans?


i dunno guys, i still find that pretty disturbing. i understand that he was in a good setting and with responsibile enough people and stuff, but he's clearly freaking out and not having a good time. i guess part of the reason i found it disturbing is cuz most of times that i've taken hallucenogenics i've had an awful experience and as a result i'd never touch them again. for the record, i did try salvia once and didn't think much of it. i think it was a low potency because all i got were the very typical trippy visual effects (i.e. the grass was breathing and i could see my dog's ancestory in her face)


Reread Westy's excellent post. Then reread it again.

Salvia remains legal and is the only "drug" with ZERO aftereffects.

The corrupt thugs running the multi-billion dollar failure known as the "War on People, Freedom, Constitution Drugs" have enough on their plate without going after Salvia.


agreed with quantum(!); good comments by westy and gluonium

i've never tried the stuff, but I wouldn't call this a bad trip. If he were crying and rocking himself in the corner, that would be a bad trip.

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