Grown Man Steals Baseball From A Child At A Mets Game

whatta douche!!!

Supposedly he did not see the kid it was meant for.
>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^ctrlaltbleach:
Yep just read about this he eventually realized the ball was not for him and gave it to the other kid. The player who gave the ball then sent one to the guy so that he could also give his kid a game ball.

that's not so bad, but seriously, Wtf


I think it was a bit obvious, but who knows. I think he got caught with his hands in the honey jar, realized it, shoved his hands into his pants and then did the right thing. After licking his hands once or twice more.

All and all this can be attributed to religion somehow (Everyone blames it for our woes anyways... Get rid of religion and this sorta thing will never happen again (Or better yet! We could blame police brutality!)

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