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Great Rule To Live By For The Rest Of Your Life (34 Seconds)

The great American avant-garde filmmaker Stan Brakhage on the secular golden rule.

So does watching someone (a stranger) consume copious amounts of alcohol or drugs fall under "nothing disgusts me?" How about someone exhibiting other acts such as sloth, gluttony, vainglory, greed, or self-pride even if they are not trying to be cruel to someone else? Should we not, in love, try to get that person to better themselves? Under this motto we shouldn't because it doesn't "disgusts me".


>> ^HollywoodBob:
The rub lies in that not everyone considers their obviously cruel actions to be so.

The rub is that not all actions are obviously cruel.

In fact, moderns society is the most advanced one to have ever made such (probably) non-deliberate advances in masking it's cruelty in the form of help, caring, and love.
And THAT, is truly disgusting.


>> ^maximillian:
So does watching someone (a stranger) consume copious amounts of alcohol or drugs fall under "nothing disgusts me?" How about someone exhibiting other acts such as sloth, gluttony, vainglory, greed, or self-pride even if they are not trying to be cruel to someone else? Should we not, in love, try to get that person to better themselves? Under this motto we shouldn't because it doesn't "disgusts me".

It's just a way of saying things for crying out loud. He's making a point that deliberate cruelty is the worse thing about humanity. Stop taking it so literally.


>> ^maximillian:
So does watching someone (a stranger) consume copious amounts of alcohol or drugs fall under "nothing disgusts me?" How about someone exhibiting other acts such as sloth, gluttony, vainglory, greed, or self-pride even if they are not trying to be cruel to someone else? Should we not, in love, try to get that person to better themselves? Under this motto we shouldn't because it doesn't "disgusts me".

Easy now, Judge Dread...he didn't say anything about action, just perspective. Compassion comes from understanding, not contempt.

If you're viewing others with disgust, maybe you should be disgusted by your own hubris? Just a thought.

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