Globama! - Countdown

From Youtube:

"What will an overseas trip do for Obama's campaign? Rachel Maddow (Radio Talk Show Host) gives her analysis to Keith Olbermann July 21, 2008."

I can imagine that many foreign leaders are intrigued by the prospect of, at least, a potential American leader who doesn't look like all of the past American leaders. After all, while all of America's policy successes have had a "white face," so have all of the failures and mistakes, and the failures and mistakes more often than not result in people getting killed and countries getting trashed. So I think there is a cautious optimism on the part of folks in the non-white regions of the world that, maybe, just maybe, things will be "kinder and gentler" with a different-looking kind of leader.


>> ^thinker247:
The world will never love us, but they will think we have a great personality.

Ya know what, all the times I've visited your beautiful country, the people stand out as the best and worst features, but I've always come away with a great memories that overwhelm any bitterness.

But your politicians... Damn... I really feel for your boys and girls overseas and their families.


>> ^Asmo:
Ya know what, all the times I've visited your beautiful country, the people stand out as the best and worst features, but I've always come away with a great memories that overwhelm any bitterness.

I've found there are two types of Americans. The ones you meet in person, at a business, or on the street, in a park, on a video ranking website, etc. and the ones driving behind you on the Interstate...

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