George Lucas Interview Gone very sad. Poor George

George Lucas' lack of Oscars is exposed in this groundbreaking Charlie Rose interview. -yt

He has already established himself like few can do. I know this clip was edited for humor but to me the concept that is the Academy Awards is so shallow and arbitrary and fleeting that I can't imagine him feeling slighted. At his level it would be like feeling bad because he lost that coupon for a free car wash. But I'm not him.

Then again I did take a leak once in the restroom at the Shrine Auditorium and sensed some real Hollywood magic flowing through the plumbing, maybe there is something to it.


If you seek others approval, you aren't great at what you do.

That aside, this looks poorly recut.

Lastly, when interviewing someone, you should do your research, and not start listing off things someone has, that you don't know that they actually have.


Although you can't discount that it's a trick that interviewers may use sometimes, in deliberately reporting wrong information to draw a reaction out of the person, on what may be a touchy subject.

Years ago I saw an interview with McCartney where the interviewer said "you're 32 now and going back on the road?" and McCartney said "I'm 33". The interviewer would have had something interesting to write about if McCartney chose not to correct him.

Then again you could be right, and these guys are ill-prepared and lazy and I'm giving them too much credit.


Lastly, when interviewing someone, you should do your research, and not start listing off things someone has, that you don't know that they actually have.


Yeah, I guess it could be used as a tactic to knock an interviewee off balance, to talk about a subject they wouldn't have otherwise talked about. Seems pretty lowball, but I'm sure they do it all the time. (not sure if this was what happened in this particular one or not.)


Although you can't discount that it's a trick that interviewers may use sometimes, in deliberately reporting wrong information to draw a reaction out of the person, on what may be a touchy subject.

Years ago I saw an interview with McCartney where the interviewer said "you're 32 now and going back on the road?" and McCartney said "I'm 33". The interviewer would have had something interesting to write about if McCartney chose not to correct him.

Then again you could be right, and these guys are ill-prepared and lazy and I'm giving them too much credit.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, May 16th, 2016 1:32pm PDT - promote requested by Mordhaus.

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