Gaza war tourism (THIS IS SICK!)

english at 0:40. the first guy says that boming the living hell out of gaza is the only way, the last woman says that palestinians need to be bombed back to stone age, then they can be talked to. and then there is the luvin lady in the middle.

stupid fucks. reminds me of this clip:
in which Radovan Karadzic and russian pro-serbian writer/poet Limonov look down on a dying Sarajevo in the midst of the long, sad siege of this once beatiful and vibrant multicultural capital, Karadzic explaining some bullshit reasons for the war they started, Limonov eating it up like a child and at the end even firing down on the city from a heavy caliber machine gun. wartime propaganda at its worst


"Israel is able to stifle free speech, Control our Congress, and even Dictate our foreign policy."
-Paul Findley, US Congressman 22 years

"I've never seen a President, I don't care who he is,stand up to Israel.
If the American people understood what a Grip these people have got on our government, they would Rise up in arms."
-Admiral Thomas Moorer, Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"Israel controls the United States Senate.
-Senator William Fullbright.


>> ^SaNdMaN:
Let's not generalize. I'm sure many Palestinians would also like to see Israel completely wiped out. what the palestinians have done to israel, to what israel has done to palestine. according to the u.n and human right wacht, the death ratio somewhere around 1:300 for the last 40 yrs. thats about 300 palestinians for every one israeli. hmmmmmmm, who has the right to be more pissed......oh, and then all the stolen land....


I thought the whole problem with Hamas was that wipe-them-off-the-planet attitude. So would that make these people hypocrites for saying the exact same thing into a tv camera?

Those settlers are excited because they are eyeing more land they can have once the bulldozers flatten out all the bodies fertilizer.


>> ^Farhad2000:
So much for assuming the Holocaust taught us anything.

I'd say it gave them a firm concept to build upon and improve...

Why have one camp when you can just ring a city of 1.5 million people. Starve them till they are desperate, attack and kill them en masse when they dare rebel against being locked in what could be described as the biggest concentration camp in the world, and laugh out the side of their face as the world sits by impotently because US leadership refuses to step in and condemn them.

I'd say the Israeli leadership learned the lessons of the holocaust all too well and are champing at the bit to try them out on others.


Your title is hyperbole. It's not "War Tourism", it's concerned citizens watching their armed forces in action defending them.

How do you expect them to feel, after enduring years of rocket attacks and suicide bombings and targeted killing of children?

^^dead_tofu - "Stolen Land"
You made a funny!



It didn't look like a cease-fire from where we stood and looked towards Gaza. On the contrary.

The day after the suggestion from the UN about cease-fire, they fired on each other. First Hamas declined the cease-fire then Isreal did as well.

[Interview]"It would be better if they struck deep, cleared the whole Gaza strip and annihilated Hamas. This is the right way, there is nothing else to do."

In Israel along the border to Gaza a macabre form of tourism has emerged.

[english not translated]

From the hills, the Israelis follow the bombings of Gaza and eat the food they brought along at the same time.

[english not translated]

This hilltop is a traditional retreat, where ornithologists usually look for birds. Now they follow bombings. In the skies the bombings draw beautiful, but deadly patterns.

[english not translated]

But among the war-tourists we also found people, who very much want cease-fire, just not now, because the enemy is not yet struck (~defeated).

[Interview] At some time we will be on speaking terms again, but first they need to be shaken, so they really wake up. Maybe they will come to their senses, so there are someone to talk to.


I hate to say it but there will be major "blowback" for this. I hope the world is ready for it. I can't believe that the political class is allowing this to happen, without even a flinch. I want to buy a house in the countryside and build a bunker.

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