Game of Thrones' Author Slams Republicans for BS Laws - TYT


He's saying two guys out of about a million might have done something wrong. Something like that, I didn't count the zeros between the decimal and the 2, but it was more than three.

If these laws disenfranchise more than two in a million voters then they're creating more of a problem than they solve. It's that simple. I've seen some estimates into six figures in some states, in some cases where not even one voter fraud case can be cited, so if the question is "Is there voting fraud?" The answer is yes, yes there is vote fraud, and it's enforced on the electorate by law in many states this year.

They're not even hiding it.


barely anyone in this country gives enough of a fuck to vote even once.

or like anyone is going to bend over backwards to elect the lesser evil - the slightly less bought-off rich motherfucker who doesn't give a shit about the public interest.


>> ^criticalthud:

barely anyone in this country gives enough of a fuck to vote even once.
or like anyone is going to bend over backwards to elect the lesser evil - the slightly less bought-off rich motherfucker who doesn't give a shit about the public interest.

Why vote when you can watch it on TV?


Authors who write stories that revolve around politics/war/etc probably spend more time thinking about the what if ramifications of policy and laws on society than most politicians. Most of them go back into history books to try to put believable governments in based on history and the technology at the times.

Historians would probably be a pretty interesting group to hear from in regards to how voting and disenfranchisement were controlled through policies/actions. If they had a speaker similar to DeGrasse who could speak on it and put some life into it.


>> ^Porksandwich:

Authors who write stories that revolve around politics/war/etc probably spend more time thinking about the what if ramifications of policy and laws on society than most politicians. Most of them go back into history books to try to put believable governments in based on history and the technology at the times.
Historians would probably be a pretty interesting group to hear from in regards to how voting and disenfranchisement were controlled through policies/actions. If they had a speaker similar to DeGrasse who could speak on it and put some life into it.
unfortunately, history is subject to the whims of whoever wants to make it up. the net result is that everyone has no real credibility.

but i got degrees in hist, poli sci, and law, and i keep studying the shit... and i'll be happy to assert that the history of disenfranchisement is rich and deep, and the history of voter fraud is lean to non-existent.

and yeah, politicians have no foresight. of course, most of our politicians are lawyers - hired guns trained to fight and argue over petty shit, with no regard to anything but the win. really, the state of affairs isn't surprising.



I don't know. The tv show is great but it sometimes feels rushed.

There are better books, but Cenk doesn't strike me as someone who reads much at all(could be wrong).

Honestly I am tired of TYT format and reporting. I don't find them very insightful.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'game of thrones, George, RR, Martin, politics, voter suppresion, TYT' to 'young, turks, George, RR, Martin, politics, voter suppresion, TYT' - edited by messenger


Excellent writer? He's a decent writer with a nice detailed story. But after the last book, GRRM can gag on a pile of cat feces for all I care. I don't give a rats ass about his opinions after the ending he came up with for his, what I now consider crap, series of books. My only wish is that people had to wait 5 years between seasons of that show! I'm guessing that no one will be watching after every favorite character has been killed off in grand RR Martin form.

What a prick.


>> ^My_design:

Excellent writer? He's a decent writer with a nice detailed story. But after the last book, GRRM can gag on a pile of cat feces for all I care. I don't give a rats ass about his opinions after the ending he came up with for his, what I now consider crap, series of books. My only wish is that people had to wait 5 years between seasons of that show! I'm guessing that no one will be watching after every favorite character has been killed off in grand RR Martin form.
What a prick.

Hahaha! Oh, come on. I doubt that that's the end of that character.


Gonna have to wait five years to find out...
>> ^direpickle:

>> ^My_design:
Excellent writer? He's a decent writer with a nice detailed story. But after the last book, GRRM can gag on a pile of cat feces for all I care. I don't give a rats ass about his opinions after the ending he came up with for his, what I now consider crap, series of books. My only wish is that people had to wait 5 years between seasons of that show! I'm guessing that no one will be watching after every favorite character has been killed off in grand RR Martin form.
What a prick.

Hahaha! Oh, come on. I doubt that that's the end of that character.


In other news, liberals everywhere who threatened to run to Canada, discover that Canada has a VoterID law already in place. Their world is shattered instantly.


>> ^Mashiki:

In other news, liberals everywhere who threatened to run to Canada, discover that Canada has a VoterID law already in place. Their world is shattered instantly.

I hate to sound so blatantly over-patriotic, but Americans who would run to another country just because a law got passed should (maybe) not be Americans.


>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^Mashiki:
In other news, liberals everywhere who threatened to run to Canada, discover that Canada has a VoterID law already in place. Their world is shattered instantly.

I hate to sound so blatantly over-patriotic, but Americans who would run to another country just because a law got passed should (maybe) not be Americans.

Really? I seem to remember dozens of forum posts from liberals whining over the renewal of the patriot act. And I remember even more whining about if Bush won again. Of course nothing actually came of it. But to point out the obvious here, the liberal left does whine like small kids over things like this, especially when it benefits society as a whole, and voter ID laws do benefit everyone.


No, no, no, you were thinking of Rush Limbaugh saying he was going to move to Costa Rica because the Affordable Care Act was found to be constitutional.>> ^Mashiki:
Really? I seem to remember dozens of forum posts from liberals whining over the renewal of the patriot act. And I remember even more whining about if Bush won again. Of course nothing actually came of it. But to point out the obvious here, the liberal left does whine like small kids over things like this, especially when it benefits society as a whole, and voter ID laws do benefit everyone.


>> ^KnivesOut:

No, no, no, you were thinking of Rush Limbaugh saying he was going to move to Costa Rica because the Affordable Care Act was found to be constitutional.>> ^Mashiki:
Really? I seem to remember dozens of forum posts from liberals whining over the renewal of the patriot act. And I remember even more whining about if Bush won again. Of course nothing actually came of it. But to point out the obvious here, the liberal left does whine like small kids over things like this, especially when it benefits society as a whole, and voter ID laws do benefit everyone.

No pretty sure I'm not. Pretty sure I remember the last 10 years pretty well, especially the previous election minus Obama pretty good too.

Hey did you catch this, looks like those voter ID laws might just be a good idea after all.


Hey, did you notice that the article that you linked has nothing to do with Voter ID? Fuckit, reading is hard, right?

Aw look, here's an anecdotal case that embodies how Voter ID disenfranchises people:
>> ^Mashiki:
No pretty sure I'm not. Pretty sure I remember the last 10 years pretty well, especially the previous election minus Obama pretty good too.
Hey did you catch this, looks like those voter ID laws might just be a good idea after all.

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