Full Shirley -Falsely Accused "Black Racist"- Sherrod Video

A 2 minute clip of this video has been used in the last two days to accuse a prominent black person of racism, in retaliation for NAACPs appeal to the Tea Baggers to condemn the racists in their movement.

Shirley Sherrod has been fired for what is essentially a speech that appeals for an end to anti-white racism, by relating her own experiences 24 years ago.

Oh, but editing a video to make a black woman appear racist and then saturating the airwaves with the edited video isn't really racist at all.

No, there's no racism on the right.


>> ^ponceleon:

Okay I'm not watching something 43 minutes long that doesn't have explosions. Can someone give me the cliff notes on what she said that was so controversial?

Fox put out a short clip of her telling a story about an incident 24 years ago or something when she decided to not help a poor farmer because he was white. The rest of the clip was her saying that she realized it's not about white and black it's about helping the poor and needy. She helped him and they've been friends for a long time.

Fox took the short video to he boss...Obama saw it and panicked and called her boss and told him to fire her...which he did. So she made a speech which Fox cherry picked to make her look bad and got her fired.

It's just Fox doing what they do...and not going to get punished for it most likely.

EDIT: Also apparently she originally didn't care for white people too much when she was young and ignorant because a white guy killed her father.

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