Fox News - Spreading Racism?

James Peterson: Glenn Beck is more of an entertainer than he's a newsman.

FREE SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No conservative gives a shit if the PREEZ is black.. These 2 are soooo wrong about this.

Conservatives are not afraid just of blacks, were are just dead set against of a man with such leftest views. OBAMA views makes Kennedy and Clinton look conservative.


>> ^bobknight33:
Conservatives are not afraid just of blacks, .....

You are so right! Conservatives are afraid of so many things! For example hispanics, muslims, gays, canadians, swedes, otters, turtles, ...

(please feel free to add to the list)


Glenn Beck = more entertainer than newsman --> Glenn Beck = not very entertaining.

= Glenn Beck = more nothing, than something.

What an unaccomplished man. His method of agitation must be pleasing to his Employer.

That would explain how someone who does nothing feels like he does something... he gets paid money to do it.

Agitators should be afraid of Obama. He's going to make it hard to trick and manipulate people. Those who fear losing ill-gotten and maliciously retained power fear Obama. Sounds fine.

What's the catch phrase? Oh yea...

"Are you scared yet? YOU SHOULD BE."

...if you're dishonest.


>> ^bobknight33:
FREE SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No conservative gives a shit if the PREEZ is black.. These 2 are soooo wrong about this.

Conservatives are not afraid just of blacks, were are just dead set against of a man with such leftest views. OBAMA views makes Kennedy and Clinton look conservative.

Genuine question, what of Obamas' views do you consider to be "such leftist views"?

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