The pursuit began about 1:30 p.m. at an attempted traffic stop in El Monte, Calif., police said. Authorities tried to stop the motorist for a traffic violation, said California Highway Patrol Officer Jose Nunez.
Rodriguez opted to keep going, heading onto the eastbound San Bernardino (10) Freeway, then exited in Baldwin Park, police said.
The driver had two passengers in the car, but when the vehicle came to a stop in traffic, one of them jumped out and surrendered to police. The driver, however, sped off again, and unidentified objects were thrown out of the car.
The driver used a sidewalk to avoid traffic before getting back onto the eastbound San Bernardino (10) Freeway, where he was met by two patrol units.
Going about 85 mph, Rodriguez took the 10 to the southbound San Gabriel River (605) Freeway and exited on Whittier Boulevard, where the car immediately slammed into a sport utility vehicle.
One of the occupants was taken into custody almost immediately and Rodriguez ran to the back of a nearby apartment complex and was arrested there.
enochperfect example of the outcome when you give a human authority over others,
put a weapon in their hand and unleash them unto the world.
"the milgram experiment".
the suspect did put innocent lives in danger driving the way he did,and he attempted to evade and elude the officers,but in the end he gave up peacefully.
sad to see an officer of the law abuse his position and behave in a very unprofessional manner.
the pot starts at 25 bucks.
im betting two weeks paid administrative leave,extra "training" and a note in his permanent file.
who wants in?
BreaksTheEarthCall me insensitive, but I don't really have a problem with this case of police brutality. This guy deserves a kick in the head for endangering the lives of many people in a stupid bid to get away from police.
ArcadianI agree, regardless if he was kicked in the face, I would have done the same, criminal think its fun endangering lives of other people. they need to be taught a lesson these lawyer or people from naacp are idiots, the fend for the criminals, so that the crimnals get a free ticket and money.
if i were a judge i would throw out any lawsuit pending for this.
this person willfully endanger people lives and wouldnt care if they got hurt.
gangster should be taught a lesson. I hope he goes to jail. Leave the officier alone. Let him continue is great work!
longdeWhy drag the NAACP into this? What the hell do they have to do with this? The suspect isn't even black!
It's a two-way street. If the punk endangered others and antagonized officers, he shouldn't be surprised to be brutalized. But if the cops violate anyone's rights and blatantly break the law, they shouldn't be surprised if any second-rate lawyer can get the guy off. In both cases actions have consequences.
(Lastly, I'll add that if you cheer on the officers violating the rights of people, don't be surprised if one day they kick you in the face, because they decided to play judge and jury with you.)
sepatownthis guy duped you but has a youtube link with no advertising:
djhenyoKicking anybody in the head is assault with a deadly weapon. This officer should be fired, no question. The second we let people be the judge, jury, and executioner we might as well be living in the wild west. Everybody who disagrees with me should move to South America. I think you probably already agree with most of their general way of living. I am hating my country and fellow countrymen more by the day, nay, by the hour.
ReverendTedThe cop obviously lacks a proper understanding of how to perform his job.
Behavior like the suspect exhibited clearly necessitates two facekicks.
>> ^djhenyo:
Everybody who disagrees with me should move to South America. I am hating my country and fellow countrymen more by the day, nay, by the hour.
If you hate this country and its populace, wouldn't it be simpler for you to move?
SkeeveThough this was a pretty blatant violation of the law on the officer's part, I think most people can agree that the guy deserved it. This bears a striking resemblance to the fate of those who try to surrender too late in combat; as Charles Carrington said, "no soldier can claim a right to 'quarter' if he fights to the extremity". Someone who endangers many lives, including those of his pursuers, cannot expect a safe and happy apprehension.
MarineGunrockThat's by far the coolest thing ever. Next time, don't run from the cops and endanger the lives of hundreds of people.
P.S. - Best title ever.
imstellar28says...>> ^BreaksTheEarth:
Call me insensitive, but I don't really have a problem with this case of police brutality. This guy deserves a kick in the head for endangering the lives of many people in a stupid bid to get away from police.
You are much more detrimental to human progress than you'll ever realize.
HadouKen24says...I have much less of a problem in this case than in most cases of police brutality. The suspect has endangered dozens of lives with his irresponsible behavior, and that should be dealt with.
Yes, it should be dealt with in the courtroom, and not by dealt by the arresting officer. He should be reprimanded, written up, and face suspension. This should be a serious detriment to his career. However, unlike for instance the beating of a peaceful minister who declines to answer questions, there shouldn't be career ending ramifications. Extenuating circumstances render his actions--while indisputably wrong--understandable and to some degree forgivable.
ElJardineroStupid criminal meets violent thugs.
imstellar28says..."and unidentified objects were thrown out of the car."
All of this happened because tyrannical thugs, just like these cops, made drugs illegal. If crooked cops and a corrupt justice system tried to throw you in jail for several decades on an unjust charge, what would you do, walk right into the jail house?
How can you consider your life worth living if you are ready to voluntarily surrender it to others?
MrFisk^ Cops merely enforce the laws that Congress writes. Vote.
chilaxeThe perp was a gangbanger piece of shit, but the law needs to protect even pieces of shit.
When you put tattoos on your face, it's a pretty safe bet you've chosen to exit cooperative society.
imstellar28says...I suppose that argument would also apply to soldiers following orders at Guantanamo bay, wouldn't it?
I would rely on voting...if I was an idealist; but since I'm not...I rely on a Beretta.
>> ^MrFisk:
^ Cops merely enforce the laws that Congress writes. Vote.
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