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pumkinandstormsays...For some reason I expected the "super coke" to be thicker looking. *quality
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by pumkinandstorm.
EvilDeathBeejokingly says...Not the easiest way to get water. I'd just use the tap
arekinsays...done this before, you can do it with any active charcoal filter (I used a brita). The sad thing is if you notice its still has a brown hint to it and it tastes horrible. The filter does not remove all but the water, it leaves the acid taste. it literally tastes like you are drinking a mild acid.
Mobiussays...I call bullshit.
But I am a cynical bastard.
reiwansays...That is probably be cause youre basically drinking soda water (plain carbonated water). Which gets a nasty flavor from carbonic acid.
done this before, you can do it with any active charcoal filter (I used a brita). The sad thing is if you notice its still has a brown hint to it and it tastes horrible. The filter does not remove all but the water, it leaves the acid taste. it literally tastes like you are drinking a mild acid. sure its not the phosphoric acid in the soda
bjornenlindasays...Is it real coca cola???
notarobotsays...Finally! A way of making cola drinkable!
hamsteralliancesays...Yeah! Getting rid of all that water makes it way better!
Finally! A way of making cola drinkable!
Sniper007says...Wait, there's water in Coke?! I thought they used artificial liquid!
MonkeySpanksays...Not impressed. I can turn any drink into a shade of yellow. True story!
Zawashsays...And that's how they make
CokeSprite Zero.Discuss...
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