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FOX Blasts Vatican Newspaper for Endorsing 'The Simpsons'


Catholicism is, for adults, at best a guilty pleasure -- for kids, absolutely inappropriate.
I, personally, I might giggle but I recognize Catholicism is not good for American culture.

>>But there were some examples, in Catholicism, of them discussing morality.

Yes, and that, unfortunately, is what makes it so bad, because they get it so wrong, quite honestly.


beyond the usual shortsightedness and bias of this ridiculous infotainment channel, and a plethora of other facts that were ignored by this panel and priest, who apparently has watched 1 episode of the simpsons in his lifetime, there are some specific things that bug me about this.

first of all, classic simpsons episodes (commonly believed to start with season 2 or 3, and end at season 8 or 9), often had clear themes and real lessons behind the satire.

second, there are several non-English versions of the simpsons, with their own writers and slightly to heavily modified characters (mostly skin tone and name changes, but also personality). . . INCLUDING AN ITALIAN VERSION OF THE SHOW.

the final point that really grinds my gears is that the congratulations being awarded to the simpsons here is for being a good and successful SATIRE. nor did the vatican tell people to force their children to watch, or that the show is an example of good catholic beliefs. it's not even any kind of endorsement, it's a thank you note.


Its funny cause the Simpsons probably paid for their salaries, that show is a massive cash cow for FOX. Extra Points for Golgi for using s seamless reference to the show.


I find it amusing that he's countering the newspaper's opinion with his own opinion, and acts like he won something.

The pope could stand up tomorrow and say he watches The Simpsons, and this guy would say "what he really meant is...".

A huge part of my frustration with organized religion, is that every group believes they're the ones who got it right. Or, as South Park put it:

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