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Evidence of advanced pre-historic civilizations

Contrary to the theory of evolution that states that man started out primitive, pastor billy presents evidence of the biblical account of advanced pre historic civilizations that had technology such as computers and batteries.

For the ADD among us, videos and pictures at about 10 minutes in

Yes, 6000 years. Don't take my word for it..look up the artifacts he mentions. The bible says that before the flood humans were quite advanced..and this is evidence for it. Can our understanding of history account for ancient batteries that generate electricity? How about a computer that can do addition subtraction multiplication and division? Models of modern airplanes? Heiroglyphics of helicopters? Obviously we have it wrong if any of those things existed. Wake up, you're being lied to.

>> ^kulpims:
shiny, you christians are total idiots. you advocate that the Earth, universe, everything is like, what - 6000 years old? and now you come up with this bullshit ...


Big deal, 1st graders make batteries out of freaking potatoes. You don't know what it was used for or what specific purpose it was created for. That does not mean that it was a battery in the sense that you mean it.

You're stretching the "computer" a little bit, while technically the object in question "might have" been a computer, so is an abacus, and we don't get all up in arms over those.

What then? A drawing that looks like a helicopter? Give me a break, one drawing that looks like something does not a theory make.

Those gold items of jewelry? You saw quite clearly in the history channel video that the "model" the guy built was, speaking in terms of aeronautics, totally different. The cylinder that ran the whole length of the piece of jewelry needed to be thinned out on the flying model until it was just a twig where it met the tail. Again, speaking in terms of aeronautics, that's WAAAAY different. Don't you think it might be a more acceptable theory to say that it's a piece of jewelry that merely resembles a modern airplane? Wait, what am I saying, it's not a theory, because the fact that two pieces of jewelry that happen to look like something else does not make a theory.

Either way, science is full of anomalies, that's because science can't explain everything. Because rational people don't expect it to. Don't apply the omniscient, omnipotent aspects of god to science, because they don't make any rational sense there either.

Shit, I just have to say that watching this terrible video with this annoying used car salesmen was one of the hardest things I've done all week. And it proves nothing. This guy is just cherry picking from ideas that his poor warped brain does not have the ability to comprehend.

I'm not avoiding science because I don't accept this guy's premise. This guy is avoiding science by proposing it.


>> ^shinyblurry:

Yes, 6000 years. Don't take my word for it..look up the artifacts he mentions. The bible says that before the flood humans were quite advanced..and this is evidence for it. Can our understanding of history account for ancient batteries that generate electricity? How about a computer that can do addition subtraction multiplication and division? Models of modern airplanes? Heiroglyphics of helicopters? Obviously we have it wrong if any of those things existed. Wake up, you're being lied to.
>> ^kulpims:
shiny, you christians are total idiots. you advocate that the Earth, universe, everything is like, what - 6000 years old? and now you come up with this bullshit ...

The age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).[1][2][3] This age is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples.

Can you show me scientific , peer reviewed paper or study that invalidates all the methods used that currently point to the age of the earth being well over 6k years old ?

Don't u think that the whole universe is under 6 k years old as well ?

Also there is no way to know that the bible is the word of god or not just something made up by man. So you are basing your whole motivation and argument of a book that contains fictional stories , incosistancies , has been edited over the years , no real direction as to what is Allegory or what is meant to be read as factual / literal.

Just in case you don't know , you realize there is nothing stopping creationists gathering actual evidence and putting together scientific theories that are better than the current ones and as a result proving that the earth is 6k years old if it in fact was ?


Pfft, god scoffs at peer review.

Also, fossil hat lol.>> ^westy:
The age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).[1][2][3] This age is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples.
Can you show me scientific , peer reviewed paper or study that invalidates all the methods used that currently point to the age of the earth being well over 6k years old ?
Also there is no way to know that the bible is the word of god or not just something made up by man.


>> ^KnivesOut:

Pfft, god scoffs at peer review.
Also, fossil hat lol.>> ^westy:
The age of the Earth is 4.54 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).[1][2][3] This age is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples.
Can you show me scientific , peer reviewed paper or study that invalidates all the methods used that currently point to the age of the earth being well over 6k years old ?
Also there is no way to know that the bible is the word of god or not just something made up by man.

"This quick-forming 'stone' hat adds weight to the claims that creation scientists are correct when they say that thousands or millions of years are not needed to form rocks and fossilize animals and plants."

LOL thats so mental I like how it omits the fact that you can tell by the location of items if it was formed in this specific process , and that calcification is decernably different from focalization.

I don't get how stupid can survive for so long and keeps going on you would hope that stupid ideas / stupid things would die out over time.


>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

So, before humans, there were dinosaurs. Is it possible that there were periods of life before that - perhaps intelligent life - whose evidence has been erased by asteroids, weather and time?

That's deffinatly possible you would have thought there would be some evidence left maby its just in a place we have yet to look at , Atlantis , or underground .

but until there is evidence found then its like ghosts or yeties its just speculation and imagination.

Im not very knowlageable on the subject but due to the amount of earth thats populated by people and the different methods for testing things and all the looking around we have done ( geographical maps and servays ) if an inteligent or undustreal race of people existed before we probably would have found evidence for it by now , so that makes it less likely that there was another race unless they cleaned up very well.


>> ^westy:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
So, before humans, there were dinosaurs. Is it possible that there were periods of life before that - perhaps intelligent life - whose evidence has been erased by asteroids, weather and time?

That's deffinatly possible you would have thought there would be some evidence left maby its just in a place we have yet to look at , Atlantis , or underground .
but until there is evidence found then its like ghosts or yeties its just speculation and imagination.
Im not very knowlageable on the subject but due to the amount of earth thats populated by people and the different methods for testing things and all the looking around we have done ( geographical maps and servays ) if an inteligent or undustreal race of people existed before we probably would have found evidence for it by now , so that makes it less likely that there was another race unless they cleaned up very well.

Ever read, "Fingerprints of the Gods"? Fascinating book. It can easily be dismissed as quackery but he builds a solid enough case that it can pique a person's interest.

I would recommend it to anyone looking for something entertaining to read.


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