Eagle cam, fly from an eagle's point of view

Nice footage taken with a small camera on an eagle.

Trick to enjoying this video is to get over the shaky camera. Just tell your brain to get over it. The reward is the feeling that you get when you do something extremely dangerous and are putting your life in the hands of a professional. That reassuring calm look of 'don't worry man, I do this everyday', and you try to keep from talking to him so you don't break his concentration, then there's the nose dives and you wanna call him an asshole, then the inevitable loss of lunch, the getting laughed at.


I think the music is not so bad (at least the first one). I hope they do find a better way of holding the cam without hurting the eagle, sot the footage doesn't shake that much.

I must be blind, I actually looked for a "nature" channel when submiting the video and didn't see it... I did see the "wings" channel, but I thought that one was planes related.


Part of the article reads: "Jose Luis is currently researching how to take videos of the eagles flights from their point of view, from their heads or chest. A very exciting images due to the speed of the flights and the changes of direction, which makes us feel in our own vision the maneuver capabilities of this true kings of the wind"

This automatic translation is quite accurate:



i thought the music worked.

as for the content, it had my rapt attention through the whole thing. sucks that as a human, all i can do is run. well.......some humans run. i prefer to wheel around in a computer chair.

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