From Youtube, "In a quiet room at a loud party. BillyStrings is a buddy of mine and this video was taken back in September of 2012. He wrote the song earlier that summer.
Check out his channel "

I ain't slept in seven days, haven't ate in three
Methamphetamine has got a damn good hold of me
My tweaker friends have got me to the point of no return
I just took the lighter to the bulb and watched it burn

This life of sin has got me in
Well it's got me back in prison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie

Well if I would have listened to my dear old mom and dad
I wouldn't be locked up in prison, troubled in the head
I took that little pop and sucked until my mind was spun
I got twenty years to sit and think of what I've done

This life of sin has got me in
Well it's got me back in prison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie

Sometimes I sit and wonder where my little life went wrong
These old jailhouse blues have got me singing this old song
My life is a disaster, Lord and I feel so ashamed
In here where they call by a number, not a name

This life of sin has got me in
Well it's got me back in prison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy
I got twenty long years for some dust in a baggie


Tags for this video have been changed from 'guitar, live music, Dust in a Baggie, methamphetamine, just say no, maybe' to 'Billy Strings, music, Dust in a Baggie, methamphetamine, just say no, maybe' - edited by eric3579

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