Desireless - Voyage Voyage (1986)

She may have a bad haircut, but her voice is beautiful! Another old 80s favorite of mine!

WikiPedia: Desireless is a French singer. Between 1986 and 1988, her hit record, "Voyage Voyage" made it to number one in many European and Asian single charts and sold over five million copies.

The singer's androgynous look — complete with a porcupine-style hairdo — made her one of the most colorful personalities to grace the European pop scene, while her moniker, Desireless, was reportedly inspired by her voyage to India and her subsequent interest in its philosophy of acceptance and inner serenity.

>> ^netean:
upvote, just for that hair...
hair like that deserves a revival!

Looks like Grace Jones trying to follow in Michael Jackson's footsteps.


In many ways, the 80's were a lot more sci-fi than today, toying with style and the prospect of cool tech and dreams of globally connected computers and AI. The advent of the real cyberspace made us lazy, anonymous and bitter, not happy people with insane haircuts. And trenchcoats! The matrix could have helped reviving trenchcoats had they not ruined it by releasing sequels

I feel sidetrekked - upvote for song, 80's and the haircut

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