DEA Officer Shoots Self in Foot (while giving demo on gun safety)


Federal agent shoots self in foot, sues department over video

(Orlando, Florida-AP) April 14, 2006 - A federal agent who accidentally shot himself in the foot while telling kids about gun safety says he's become the butt of too many jokes - so he's suing his employer.

Lee Paige told a group of Orlando, Florida children that he was the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun. Moments later, he shot himself.

Paige was then suspended for five days without pay, and the videotape of the shooting was turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

But the tape soon began making the rounds of the Internet and late-night talk shows.

The lawsuit contends the tape was leaked by the DEA and that the subsequent publicity subjected Paige to "derision" and "ridicule."

hat tip to Jeff for link


damn. screw this guy. he has no right to sue anyone. thank god for the internet. He shouldn't ever touch a weapon again. and what the hell is he bringing a loaded gun to a demonstration on gun safety for anyway? Kids were there too. What a jackass.


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Monday 17th April 2006 (promotion called by gold star member dotdude)



let me know when it's fixed, i want to promote this again, it is a total classic.

gun "safety" pfffff. safer without. and definitely safer if we don't give guns to egomaniac cops.


ok two things happened that serve as proof this man is utterly unqualified to handle firearms.

1. when he "cleared" the weapon (i enclosed it in quotations because he most certainly did not clear the weapon properly) he didnt clear it at all. He simply locked the slide to the rear showing that there was no round in the chamber.

There are three steps to clearing ANY weapon system: a) engage the safety (if it has one) b) remove the source of feed c) inspect the breach, bolt face, and magazine well (or ejection port for belt fed systems)

well for Glock's there is no external safety. In its stead is their patented trigger safety. So, really, he completed the first step but failed to remove the source of feed, in this case the magazine. So you'll notice after he's "cleared" it and holds it up to the class, what happens when he releases the slide forward (that first loud click you hear)? He just chambered a round. The gun is now hot.

2. The ONLY time your finger should EVER be on the trigger is when you are ready and prepared to send rounds downrange. He declares he is holding a Glock and as mentioned earlier in my rant they have what's called a trigger safety. It's basically kind of like a second trigger, so to speak, on the trigger itself to describe it in layman's terms. Simply put, that weapon WILL NOT fire unless the trigger is pulled. That being said, the reason the gun "went off" was he pulled the trigger plain and simple. If you watch closely, his finger is on the trigger the entire time! I'm certain he did not have the intention to do so, however, that was no accident. Pure, raw, negligence.

Saw this video a loooooong time ago. The ironic climax is how he states how he is the only one in the room (that he knows of) that is professional enough to handle that weapon moments before he proves to us otherwise. What a gobshite

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