Clare the Kings Cross Bogan interview - prepare to cringe

This is painful. The girl who made up an eye witness account of a shooting to get on camera discusses her actions in a paid interview by bottom-feeding show 'A Current Affair'. Talk about an attention whore...

"It'll be a good story for the grandkids".

You will not have to wait long, I'm guessing. After being surprised to find that she doesn't go straight to Broadway, she will settle for getting her tits out in the lad mags.


I think that story she spun is awesome. " fat Wog against skinny Wog" two ancient rivals.
Fat wog says "oy brick you stepped on my cousin" skinny Wog says "Idid it fo shizzle"
The Epic battle has begun. I think she will get a book and a movie deal with this classic story.
I wonder what it will be called?


^ She's the TV report's version of a Youtube comment poster, writing whatever comes to mind regardless if it's true or not, just to get a laugh.

The proper place for someone like that is Reality TV, as far as I'm concerned. Tucked away back in the couldn't-care-less-anymore corner of my mind.

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