Christopher Hitchens makes a Rabbi look Pathetic


I've always thought of circumcision as a pre-conscious form of indoctrination rather than necessarily being there to eliminate sexual pleasure, which of course, many attest to it doesn't. A way to tie you to a particular faith by impinging upon who you are physically as a person and making it more difficult for you to disassociate yourself from that later in life.

Massive slap-down by the way.


Awesome! Hitchens is cool! Circumcision is disgusting and wrong and he's right, so many people just see it as part of the religion they accept it unquestioning. The Rabbi was an idiot and was joking to avoid the topic and make it seem lesser. Disgusting!


Also, the reason a lot of babies don't cry at their bris is that they have gone into shock! One Jewish boy in London died of cardiac arrest 15 minutes after his bris. I bet he didn't cry.


This is identical to the second half of this video. I don't think the text layovers add anything of value, and I would also say that the other video is long enough to warrant extracting shorter clips to sift. I am tempted to call dupeof immediately, but let's *discuss it just to be sure.


its *dead but i still wanna talk about how circumcision has its origins in its necessity for the survival of an earlier culture in their particular environments. of course it gets adopted by religion to promote such practices (like certain diets, bathing or birthing rituals) of course the practice is irrelevant in industrialized nations with access to sanitary living conditions and health practice but it sticks, it becomes a part of the culture and cut or uncut becomes the accepted norm. all parents are faced with the choice and will go with what they feel will help their child fit into their culture. male circumcision is that standard practice in a judeo-christian society, US moms spend their adulthood being intimidated by foreskin and told its unclean until they learn otherwise, if the childs father is uncircumcized the child probably will be to. and in other communities if a little girl doesnt get circumsized she will be ostracized and rejected by potential mates. its all culturally relative. all parents do what is the socially acceptable/necessary thing to do.

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