Christian Dishonesty On Prop h8 Exposed

This is long, but very well done. Worth your time.

I think California is going to make the Matrix a reality. They'll try so hard to make it so you don't need a man and a woman to have kids, they'll create self aware robots, which will enslave them in some liquid stuff and keep making new Californian batteries, and we'll just build a big wall to contain this goings on, and then when the earthquake hits, it'll be an offshore platform.


This was actually really good.

I wish that he'd mentioned that the interacial comparison is about being able to marry the person you want to be with, not whether or not you can or would even want to change the minority group you are classified as.


I am now anti theist, thanks to the arguments by the religious in this video.

Church is a mundane institution derived from lonely humans attempting to attain social security, in the relative belief that those around them actually believe what they do.


Prop h8 is a blatant attempt to inject religion into government. The government has no business telling anybody who they should or should not marry.

As far as I'm concerned, all marriages should be simple civil unions in the eyes of the government. Marriage rites should only be performed according to a person's religious beliefs or other social group.


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
I think California is going to make the Matrix a reality. They'll try so hard to make it so you don't need a man and a woman to have kids, they'll create self aware robots, which will enslave them in some liquid stuff and keep making new Californian batteries, and we'll just build a big wall to contain this goings on, and then when the earthquake hits, it'll be an offshore platform.

That is the stupidest thing I've read in context all day.


>> ^poolcleaner:
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
I think California is going to make the Matrix a reality. They'll try so hard to make it so you don't need a man and a woman to have kids, they'll create self aware robots, which will enslave them in some liquid stuff and keep making new Californian batteries, and we'll just build a big wall to contain this goings on, and then when the earthquake hits, it'll be an offshore platform.

That is the stupidest thing I've read in context all day.

Hey, I just present the facts. When it happens, then we'll see who's laughing.


I always find it interesting when gay marriage comes up.

Remember the former-soldier-turned neighbor from American Beauty?

Often, those with the strongest "hatred" for homosexuals are repressed homosexuals themselves. Larry Craig. CaptainPlanet420. Etc...

It's almost as if they are afraid of "coming out" - just like some long-term inmates are afraid of getting out of prison.

It's ok....we're not going to judge you.


Pastor Ted Haggard

>> ^Throbbin:
I always find it interesting when gay marriage comes up.
Remember the former-soldier-turned neighbor from American Beauty?
Often, those with the strongest "hatred" for homosexuals are repressed homosexuals themselves. Larry Craig. CaptainPlanet420. Etc...
It's almost as if they are afraid of "coming out" - just like some long-term inmates are afraid of getting out of prison.
It's ok....we're not going to judge you.


>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
They'll try so hard to make it so you don't need a man and a woman to have kids, they'll create self aware robots

Phhhhhht, that is so stupid CaptainPlanet420. Everyone knows that it'll be the Japanese who will doom the human race. And it won't be caused by gay couples creating little AI children to adopt and pervert; No, the matrix will evolve from the development of advanced commercial pet simulations. First Tamagachis, then Aibo, and now Nintendogs, our fascination with cute furry animals will DESTROY US!!!!! DOWNVOTE CAT VIDEOS!!!!!!111111


So far, "with 99.5% of precincts reporting the vote was 52.5% in favor of Proposition 8 and 47.5% against; as many as 3 million absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted."

It's so screwy that one of the most liberal states will now ban gay marriage.


I'm really dissapointed that Californians have decided that they'd rather impose thier personal religious belifs on others than let their neighbors be happy.

I'd hoped that they'd shoot it down because they tend to set the trends that come up here. Oh well, despite campaigning by outside religious groups, we beat them to assisted suicide...maybe we'll support our GLBT community on equal rights issues on our own.


Of course...prop 2 got passed because of the ignorance of people who listened to PETA and prop 8 got passed because of the ignorance of people like YOU who think this country is a theocracy.

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
>> ^Grimm:
>> ^Nebosuke:
It's so screwy that one of the most liberal states will now ban gay marriage.

Or that we care more about farm animal rights (prop 2) then human rights.

Then go hate on PETA.

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