China criticises US on human rights record !


Seriously...who cares what China has to say? And is China a person or a cross section of their people? I hate these vague "polls" that are used to manufacture ideas about something. You know damn well that when this poll was taken (if there even was a poll), this was type of video that its creator wanted to make


>> ^rottenseed:
Seriously...who cares what China has to say? And is China a person or a cross section of their people? I hate these vague "polls" that are used to manufacture ideas about something. You know damn well that when this poll was taken (if there even was a poll), this was type of video that its creator wanted to make

A report by the Chinese Government. Why would it be a poll?

I happen to agree with China on this one. They are saying that the US shouldn't be so quick to judge other countries.


Um, remember that Al Jazeera is only marginally better than Fox. I'm Canadian, but my brother has lived in China for awhile and keeps going back.

Conducting the same poll in China would reveal a whole different picture. The two most telling differences would be that government officials would stop you, by throwing you in jail and confiscating your poll. The other thing you'd find is that respondents would be 'reluctant' to criticize the government, being that they'd end up in a worse jail than you for stirring up such dissent.

That doesn't make the Bush/Cheney record on torture any better, they aught be in court as defendents already for it. The difference in China though is that in America you can say something like that without fearing that you too will be dragged off to gitmo.


>> ^Abducted:
>> ^rottenseed:
Seriously...who cares what China has to say? And is China a person or a cross section of their people? I hate these vague "polls" that are used to manufacture ideas about something. You know damn well that when this poll was taken (if there even was a poll), this was type of video that its creator wanted to make

A report by the Chinese Government. Why would it be a poll?
I happen to agree with China on this one. They are saying that the US shouldn't be so quick to judge other countries.

funny how you agree and you support the validity of this report (which is what I am challenging)

Furthermore, maybe they do think that. I wonder what their distribution of wealth is and how they're in the position to judge us. (Not that we're beyond judgment or even doing anything right)


I can't think of one thing why China would be a better country to live in than the USA, if you aren't a leader of the party that is. Their distribution of wealth and political powers are not much better than that of some European country in the dark ages. The same goes with their freedoms and rights.
Look up dystopia and you've got all the characteristics of China. In the US of A you can wonder if some politicians are really serving the people, in China you can rest assured that they are working against you.

The only thing they (the Chinese government) are saying is that the US (government) should remember that they aren't the protector of all things good either.

No one is in this video implying that China has a moral high ground on the US.

See how this is a never ending loop of "you can't judge us!" "we'll you can't either" "well neither can you" "like you could!"?


Do you think the United States should be open to the same scrutiny as a country like China?

No. No, we're the United States. Uhh.... We make our own laws and we should follow our own laws.

What? Are you running for VP or something?


I can't think of one thing why China would be a better country to live in than the USA, if you aren't a leader of the party that is.

Ever been to China? how about outside north America? How about this, the people from china aren't self-righteous high-horse riders pushing their diseased philosophies down other peoples throats. Last I checked the USA was more socialist than China and China had a better economy.

We're free you say, and they aren't? Then why do we pay higher taxes than they do if they are the communists? Ever look at Chinese tax law? Didn't think so. If we are the "free" country with "democratically elected officials" supporting a "rule of law" why are you voluntarily creating a country thats worse than a communist dictatorship?

Whats worse, people who live under oppression by force, or people who live under oppression voluntarily? Maybe you need to re-think that USA #1 bumper sticker you've got.


Ever been to China? ... Last I checked the USA was more socialist than China and China had a better economy.

Uh, you say that like socialism is a bad thing in and of itself. And if your saying China's economy is in better shape than America's you haven't been there.

We're free you say, and they aren't? Then why do we pay higher taxes than they do if they are the communists?

What, communism == higher taxes? What are you even talking about? The measure of freedom is that you can make a post like yours from America, criticizing America and other Americans could come and read it. Try that in China and it's at your own peril.

Human rights in China have come a very long ways in the last decade, but the difference in freedom from there to the western world is still a large one.

Whats worse, people who live under oppression by force, or people who live under oppression voluntarily?

Nobody is talking about the people, we're talking about the government. Which government is worse, the one that requires force to maintain it's hold on power or the one that doesn't?


^the US economy is currently ranked #2 (behind Europe) and about to be passed by China.

What, communism == higher taxes?
This comes up a lot. Perhaps I should have registered my name as the definition of socialism so people can actually memorize and apply it. if taxes in a country exceed 51% guess what? taxation is a measure of socialism.

Posting on the internet is just one of many human freedoms. If you think you are free, why don't you go down to the river and try to catch fish to survive on? How about try to build a shelter on land you own? How about birth a child without registering it? Food, shelter, and reproduction are all illegal without a government permit.

You are talking about the government. I was responding to this statement "I can't think of one thing why China would be a better country to live in than the USA" For me, the people in a country are more important than the government as they are the ones you interact with on a daily basis. How many times in the last week did you interact with a government official? How many times last week did you interact with an ordinary person? I provided several reasons why living in China is better than living in the USA. I never said I would rather live there.

1. the people aren't self-righteous lemmings
2. they don't invade foreign countries
3. they aren't a global empire
4. they have a lower tax rate
5. they are less socialist

If you don't think the US isn't using force against the American people you are blind. Yes, they have just gotten a lot smarter. They don't use physical, explicit force. They crash the economy and create foreign boogey-men so you are constantly in a state of fear. Fear is a force just as much as a rifle is.

The measure of freedom is that you can make a post like yours from America, criticizing America and other Americans could come and read it. Try that in China and it's at your own peril.

You don't think I'm on some NSA watch list for when sh*t hits the fan? A government which reads emails and monitors all internet traffic? Even gmail knows I'm up to no good cause they keep posting ads for things like "liberty dollars". Have you not seen people trying to protest in the last decade? At one point in US history it was illegal to criticize the government--I bet you didn't learn that in high school though. Big surprise, guess who pays the bills for 90% of teachers in the US?


First off, all of our policy makers are out of touch.

Secondly, china has mobile death vans, that they use to execute people on a regular basis even for questioning the government.

In the Us we have an authority problem, the authority is the problem, and it is the cancer that is bringing us down.

In china they have an authority problem, and the authority is the problem, only its not bringing them down. Yet.

Ihre papiere bitte.


>> ^imstellar28:
I can't think of one thing why China would be a better country to live in than the USA, if you aren't a leader of the party that is.

Ever been to China? how about outside north America? How about this, the people from china aren't self-righteous high-horse riders pushing their diseased philosophies down other peoples throats. Last I checked the USA was more socialist than China and China had a better economy.

I have NOT been to China. Nor have I been to Canada or Mexico.

>> ^imstellar28:
You are talking about the government. I was responding to this statement "I can't think of one thing why China would be a better country to live in than the USA" For me, the people in a country are more important than the government as they are the ones you interact with on a daily basis. How many times in the last week did you interact with a government official? How many times last week did you interact with an ordinary person? I provided several reasons why living in China is better than living in the USA. I never said I would rather live there.
1. the people aren't self-righteous lemmings
2. they don't invade foreign countries
3. they aren't a global empire
4. they have a lower tax rate
5. they are less socialist

I worded it loosely, but I meant the government and other authorities. This simply because I have not been to China. I'm sure I'll meet a lot of nice people there, same the same goes for most countries including the US. I'm looking forward to being able to travel to either of these countries from my icy cave up north, in the only country where you won't find nice people .


the US economy is currently ranked #2 (behind Europe) and about to be passed by China.

And America has 0.3 billion people, China has 1.3 billion, that's an extra billion if you're keeping score. I think your statement that "China had a better economy" statement is the peak of ignorance since by you own admission it hasn't even matched it on a gross scale. The per capita GDP, that actually impacts the lives of the people, in the US is over $40,000, in China it's $2,500.

Sorry, the rest of your post just gets worse acting as though conviction can make up for ignorance, it can't.


>> ^NordlichReiter:
First off, all of our policy makers are out of touch.
Secondly, china has mobile death vans, that they use to execute people on a regular basis even for questioning the government.
In the Us we have an authority problem, the authority is the problem, and it is the cancer that is bringing us down.
In china they have an authority problem, and the authority is the problem, only its not bringing them down. Yet.
Ihre papiere bitte.

heard the reports of the passenger cars being welded with shackles? here. in the USA. how about the reports of detainment camps being set up across the country?


The per capita GDP, that actually impacts the lives of the people, in the US is over $40,000, in China it's $2,500.

GDP isn't a clear measure of economic viability, but most people don't know that. you're right though I was talking out of my ass, way to call me on it . an argument, however, could be made that their economy is on the upswing and ours is on the downswing. also there are other important things to consider such as the future value of the dollar, their $1 trillion+ surplus of dollars, and our $55 trillion debt via entitlements.


an argument, however, could be made that their economy is on the upswing and ours is on the downswing.

I'd say it'd be impossible to deny that in fact. The thing is though that we need to see a more than $30,000 per capita swing before things start being comparable. American debt is a huge issue, but on the upside it is in American dollars . Looking at debt as a % of GDP though and the American economy isn't as backed into the wall as it might seem. Even the financial crisis we are going through will most likely see a worst case of having the same GDP as today 2-3 years from now(I haven't seen projections that are even that bad though) instead of growing 2% a year.


^you also have to keep in mind that china is still a 2nd world country. it has portions which are 1st world, but this is not true for the majority. given the sheer size of the country, it is going to take time to propogate the benefits of capitalism throughout the entire populace. what I am really interested in comparing is the 1st world china to 1st world america. if you moved from america to china, I am assuming you would be living a 1st world lifestyle.

can you deny that america is moving from 1st to 2nd world, while china is moving from 2nd to 1st world?


>> ^imstellar28:
^you also have to keep in mind that china is still a 2nd world country. it has portions which are 1st world, but this is not true for the majority. given the sheer size of the country, it is going to take time to propogate the benefits of capitalism throughout the entire populace. what I am really interested in comparing is the 1st world china to 1st world america. if you moved from america to china, I am assuming you would be living a 1st world lifestyle.
can you deny that america is moving from 1st to 2nd world, while china is moving from 2nd to 1st world?

I was of the impression that 1st, 2nd and 3rd world country classification was an outdated system wherein 2nd world countries were communist.


>> ^imstellar28:
^you are correct in what it means, but why is it outdated?

Because Wikipedia says so!
But what I was more interested in knowing was whether you really thought the US is moving towards becoming a 2nd world state. A communist state on the other side of the iron curtain that fell 1991.


^wikipedia is full of sh*t. i could edit that entry right now to say that it is not outdated

To answer your question, yes, in both the "outdated" and "modern" terminology I believe the US is becoming a 2nd world country.

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